Hey guys, so as most of us know the Hammer and Great Sword are very low in terms of usefulness. mainly because they are two slow. A competitive build of axe or spear will out do these two weapons.
SO here are some suggestions from multiple experienced players, and their review on possible ways of fixing them. Plz add more of your own if you have any ideas.
First Heavy Swing attack:
Right now this attack is far too slow to hit any competent player. I’ve had fast/med roll spear users run in tag me at face range and then roll out before i can finish this one attack. especially against med or fast rolls. I would suggest increasing the start up and swing animation of the hammers first heavy attack by 75-100% and range by 20%.
Second Heavy Swing attack
Second we need to do something about the second Heavy Swing attack. Right now an Axe user can finish most of his/her combo before you will get this second combo attack off. The start up needs to be increased by at least 200%.
Fast attack Hammer spins:
These attacks need Hyper armor. and badly. Right now they are not useful under any competitive setting. most player attacks will tag you, interrupting the attack, and roll away for good measure. Their start up animation is too slow as well. ive had fast/med roll spear users run in, tag me, and then roll out before i can finish this combo.
Second Hammer spin:
For some reason this attack will miss unless you aim downwards, not sure if working as in tended. this spin also needs hyper armor.
First and Second Light attack:
These are actually fine, maybe increase the range by 15-20% and speed a tad, but otherwise, they are very fun to use.
Final Hammer Review:
The hammer is a very sub-par weapon. for a very slow weapon, the damage is very low. and many attacks are down right unusable in a pvp setting. it has no saving graces of any kind. Right now a properly built heavy user with an axe will out damage a properly built heavy hammer user. because the axe user can run in, attack 2-3 times and roll out, winning the trade. the hammer should always win trades. and it doesn’t. Players should have to poke the hammer users, not go toe to toe with them. The hammer is bottom tier.
First Heavy attack. This is a fun attack to use. it goes great with wield canceling, and is mainly used as a zoning tool to set up the spin to win. But right now its too slow. it needs its start up and swing animation increased by at least 50-75%. Ive had players run through me before the animation can finish. Am I suppose to foretell the future in order to hit someone with this? It also needs more range.
Spin attack:
These attacks are the bread and butter of Greatswords, id say just make them 15-25% faster, with slighty more range and it will be a very solid attack.
All light attacks:
These for some reason are all too slow. the first light attack takes forever to start up. i would increase the speed of the start up time by at least 100%. Because right now all the light attacks are too slow to even be useful. most sword users don’t use the light attacks, because they either need hyper armor at certain points or are too slow.
Final Great Sword Review:
The great Sword is a very fun weapon to use, it has many useful tactics in its heavy attack arsenal. But it too falls prey to the fact that its light attacks are pointless and many of its attacks are too slow. The great sword is Low medium tier.
Fast/Med/Slow roll:
Many players deem the spear to be the top tier meta of Conan Exiles, but i argue that its the Rolls that are to blame. A player with a fast roll can run in, attack their opponent at blank range, (face to face) and then roll out before they other heavy attack user can attack them. many times ill watch people duel and the fast roller will roll away from an attack they were supposed to get hit by, (you can see the blood spurt) and roll away Scott-free. My Suggestion is to decrease the starting invulnerability frames of both rolls. this way we add more risk into a very low risk, high reward mechanic.
Thats all i got, thanks for reading. Please leave some ideas or arguments. please be constructive.