Written by Timewaster.
Depending on your starting zone the exact order here could vary, or you could hop to a city of choice and always begin there for the same order. Note however that Khitai is a bit of an exception as travel is more painful (and the cost is high for a low level). The few quests that carry over to there are best left until later,
In any area, talk first to your new mentor to continue your destiny chain. You will spawn right nearby them.
Complete [Traveling Home] at your new trainer ( [Sharak] / [Rhiderch] / [Scyra] / [Yehonala] )
Get quest [Blood and Sweat] at [Sharak] / [Rhiderch] / [Scyra] / [Yehonala]
Also, if subbed, during this phase find a trainer NPC ([Zahra] in Khemi, [Minerva] in Tarantia), [Cowal] in Conarch) for multi-spec
CITY QUESTS ~lvl 22-25
You can actually gain a couple levels just by running errands and talking to NPC in the cities, which if you are new will let you learn the areas and layouts. Exact order may change depending on starting city and for entry points (Tarantia and Khemi). Example order starts at native character entrance points but dependencies assume Khemi was done first for no reason beyond having recorded them in this order (although both Stygians and Khitans both starting there).
The city order will only alter a few quests which cross zones. If doing all the cities at once, Tarantia is arguably the “best” way since [The Scholar’s Pages] goes to all 3 kingdoms, though the quest is possibly not worth the hassle it brings)
Khitai does not have a normal starting city, and dumps you straight into the gateway zone, but you can travel to these other cities just the same (probably best after running to the wall for the quest [The Shadow of the Wall] )
Get quest [Caged Animals] at [Rahotep]
Get quest [The Satiated Serpent] at [Osithma]
Talk to [Semerkhem] for [The Satiated Serpent]
Get quest [Trouble in the Province] at [Semerkhem]
Get quest [Exotic Sales] at[Semerkhem] (to KHITAI:Gateway)
Get quest [The Laughing Man] at [Bebkatum] (to CIMMERIA:Conarch Village)
Get quest [Message from Khemi] at [Shuhotep]
Get quest [The Sigil of Set] from [Sealed Letter] off of the corpse near the Sparring Arena door (up stairs north of trader)
Get quest [The Sands of Time] at [Sinmophtys]
Go into [Serpent’s Head Inn]
Talk to [Aello] for [Caged Animals]
Back in Khemi talk to [Rahotep] for [Caged Animals]
Talk to [Issa] for [Caged Animals]
Talk to [Issa] for [The Satiated Serpent]
Get quest [The Honest Man] at [Tali]
Get quest [Something of a Delicacy] at [Mayur the Meat Merchant]
Get quest [Spiced Wine] at [Kalutma the wine Merchant]
Complete [The Sigil of Set] at [Tetkafri]
Talk to [Tetkafri] for [The Satiated Serpent]
Swim to the small island and talk to [Gaurd] for [The Satiated Serpent]
Talk to [Ledemus] for [Caged Animals]
Talk to [Captain Mager] for [Trouble in the Province]
Travel to [Khopshef Province] (very brief, 2 quests are right near the entry point)
[Khopshef Province] -
Kill the [Man in Black] and take [Man in Black’s Tongue] for [The Honest Man]
Talk to [Mutya] for [Trouble in the Province]
(there are other quests nearby, just ignore them for now) -
Return to Kehmi
[Khemi] -
Complete [Trouble in the Province] at [Semerkhem] (chat bugs in voice over)
Complete [The Satiated Serpent] at [Osithma]
Complete [Caged Animals] at [Rahotep]
Get quest [A Hot Day] at [Rahotep]
Talk to [Alekeep Bateikum] in the [Purple Carp Tavern] for [A Hot Day] (gives [Cask of Ale])
Complete [A Hot Day] at [Rahotep]
Get quest [The Flow of Information] at [Menupet] (to: AQUILONIA:Potain)
Get quest [Settling for Half] at [Samera] (to: CIMMERIA:Lacheish Plains)
Travel to [Old Tarantia]
[Old Tarantia]
Get quest [Warn the Mitra Priest] at [Corax] (to: STYGIA:Purple Lotus Swamp)
Get quest [Finding Your Feet] at [Irritantus] if you want. It seems to give no experience. To complete it, walk by any of the map markers it creates, starting with the Sailor’s Den nearby (this will happen fairly naturally while questing). Mainly of use for brand new players.
Get quest [The Urchin] at [Tulio]
Get quest [Fleet of Mouth] at [Cycaelus]
Run the course (fairly easy albeit goofy, and good if you are new to city) and complete [Fleet of Mouth] at [Cycaelus] -
Get quest [Seven Years] at [Lordana]
Get quest [Melanor’s Star] at [Trajus]
Climb up on the other side of the archway and then the side of the main tower, grab the gem, and jump down
Complete [Melanor’s Star] at [Trajus]
Enter [The Green Man Tavern] and talk to [Daascus] for [The Urchin]
Complete [The Sands of Time] at [Phocas]
Talk to [Balba] for [The Urchin]
Get quest [The Minstrel and the Bandits] at [Balric the Bard] (out the gate a ways the marker might not show right away)
-([Minerva] the trainer is at the steps of the temple if needed for multispec, which will get/complete [A feat for Crowds] (this can be done at any trainer though the quest will always be marked here) (gives: [Additional Specialization]) -
Get quest [Nest of the Pheonix] at [Mitran Priest] (to KHITAI:Gateway) (note: this seems to not be offered to Stygian characters)
Get quest [Shady Deliveries] at [Mellus] (you needed to talk to [Decario] in Tortage)
Get quest [A Missing Filly] at [Ostler]
Run back north to the horse, take the [Expensive Saddle] (can also delay this to the next time you pass by here, fairly soon) for [A Missing Filly]
Complete [A Missing Filly] at [Ostler]
Get quest [The Bronze Serpent] at [Eudemeus]
Get quest [Pieces of Peace] at [Scholar’s Spirit]
Get quest [The Scholar’s Pages] at [Myrina] (to: CIMMERIA, STYGIA, Noble District)
Down the east road pick up [Instrument Crate] for [The Minstrel and the Bandits]
Get quest [Family Matters] at [Duallon] (can also get later before going to Poitain)
Travel to [Wild Lands of Zelata] (like in Khopshef there are a few quick things here)
Talk to [Captain Ignacio] for [Seven Years]
Get quest [Oris’ Overture] at [Oris the Apprentice] (to:CIMMERIA:Conarch Village) (unsure of level req)
Complete quest [Shady Deliveries] at [Keyx]
Jump in the water and grab [Mirror of Mitra] for [Seven Years]
Talk to [Adeonus] for [Seven Years]
Go back to [Old Tarantia]
Get quest [A Needle of Truth] at [Watchman]
Talk to Strabus, Calco and Faxus for [A Needle of Truth]
Talk to [Watchman] and pick [Faxus] (picking another fails quest but appears to allow immediate retry)
Talk to [Velona] for [The Urchin]
Go get the nearby [Stolen Gems]
Get quest [The Wrong Kind of Message] at [Novatus]
Complete [The Wrong Kind of Message] at [Nephtammon] (this is amusing to fail especially if you are Stygian, and it has voice-over)
Get quest [The Right Kind of Message] (if succeeding) or [A Poor Attempt] or [The Stygian Kind of Message] (if failing immediately by praising Set) at [Nephtammon]
Complete [The Right Kind of Message], [A Poor Attempt] or [The Stygian Kind of Message] at [Novatus]
Complete quest [A Needle of Truth] at [Watchman]
Get quest [Skins of the Corrupted] at [Nestor the Taxidermist]
Get quest [Bonds of Blood] at[Caor] (to CIMMERIA:Conarch Village)
([Finding Your Feet] will probably be done now ) -
Run into Noble district and fetch [The Haunter of the Dark] for [The Scholar’s Pages] (no fighting, though possibly not worth the detour)
Jump in the water and get the [Rust-stained Dagger] for [Pieces of Peace]
Talk to [Corax] for [Nest of the Phoenix]
Complete quest [Seven Years] at [Lordana]
Talk to [Denara] for [Pieces of Peace]
Complete [Pieces of Peace] at [Scholar’s Spirit]
Talk to [Myrina] for [The Urchin]
Talk to [Little Tuilo] for [The Urchin] (get: [Coin Purse])
Complete [The Urchin] at [Tulio]
Complete [The Minstrel and the Bandits] at [Balric the Bard]
Get quest [Watch the White Hand] at [Kosus] (to: CIMMERIA:Lacheish Plains) gives: [Kosus’ Dossier]
[Conarch Village]
Get quest [Supply and Demand] at [Conor]
Get quest [Beyond Borders] at [Conor] (to:KHITAI:Gateway)
Get quest [Keep the Hunter’s Word] at [Tarn] (to Stygia:Purple Lotus Swamp) gives: [Wolf Pelt]
Get quest [Order Silks in Poitain] at [Magdaria] (to:AQUILONIA:Potain)
Get quest [Every Strong Arm] at [Conarch Warrior]
Get quest [The Wandering Drunk] at [Conarch Village Gaurd] (roaming)
Talk to [Atraxus] and shut him up one way or another (good for laugh esp. if female).
Complete [The Wandering Drunk] at [Conarch Village Gaurd] whenever he is near
Talk to [Kaen] for [Oris’ Overture] (gives: [Recipe for Kaen’s Salve ])
Get quest [A Rare Delicacy] at [Kaen] (lvl 24)
Get quest [The Tanner’s Stench] at [Beoric]
Talk to [Tanner Chael] for [The Tanner’s Stench]
Get quest [The Tanner’s Request] at[Tanner Chael]
Get quest [The Rabbit Hunter] at[Cadarn] (roaming) (to: STYGIA:Khemi)
Go north on the road to the hut for [The Tanner’s Stench] (maybe wait for [The Laughing Man] if you don’t have it yet)
Talk to [The Laughing Man] and then open the cage to complete [The Laughing Man]
Complete [The Tanner’s Stench] at [Tanner Chael]
Complete [Supply and Demand] at [Croiss]
Get quest [The Downtrodden] at [Croiss]
Talk to [Hwoyr] for [The Downtrodden]
Complete [Every Strong Arm] at [Battlemaster Bronwith]
Get quest [Clans at War] at [Battlemaster Bronwith]
Complete [Bonds of Blood] at [Battlemaster Bronwith]
Talk to [Curiach] for [The Downtrodden]
Get quest [The Gambler’s Gambit] at [Borcha] (lvl24)
Talk to [Serving Wench] and get [The Shadow Over Acheron] for [The Scholar’s Pages]
Talk to [Serving Wench] for [The Downtrodden]
Get quest [The Aquilonian *******] at [Serving Wench] (to AQUILONIA:Old Tarantia)
stare at [Cellar] and get confused -
Get quest [War Correspondence] at [Kohn]
Complete [The Downtrodden] at [Croiss]
Get quest [Rotten Molars] at [Croiss]
NOTE: If you have been to all 3 main cities and done the rounds, you will have 3 quests each in the resource zones (Lacheish, Poitain, and Purple Lotus). You can do those now for the XP, or wait some (quests involve running a cross the zones and can be boring), until hey may overlap more with your travel. If you choose to complete them now (if not subbed they are also taking up quest space) it is probably best to start hitting them once you are done in with any current threads in the cities themselves. For a bit more clarity I am noting the last of the city quests first, out of actual order with resource zones.
- Complete [The Bronze Serpent] at [Bronze Serpent]
- Complete [The Rabbit Hunter] at [Zefat the Animal Merchant]
- Enter [Serpents Head Inn] and talk to [Innkeeper Gezzet] for [The Scholar’s Pages]
[Old Tarantia]
- Complete [The Aquilonian *******] at [Varinia]
- Complete [The Scholar’s Pages] at [Myrina]
(following the order this would happen if the city order was the same as above)
[Lacheish Plains]
- Travel to [Lacheish Plains] from [Conarch Village]
- Get quest [Brandoc Village] at [Farghan]
- Talk to [Sien] for [War Correspondence]
- Complete [Brandoc Village] at [Brandoc Village]
- Grab some [Rations] for [War Correspondence]
- Complete [Settling for Half] at [Mella]
- Complete [Watch the White Hand] at [Glaith]
- Suicide on nearby mobs to village
- Talk to [Commander Honech] for [War Correspondence]
- Complete [War Correspondence] at [Sien]
- GTFO warp
[Purple Lotus Swamp]
- Travel to [Purple Lotus Swamp] from [Khemi]
- Get quest [Nakaset Village] at[Zemo]
- Complete [Warn the Mitra Priest] at [Cadonius]
- Run north to the village edge
- Complete [Nakaset Village] at the southern entry to the village
- Complete [Keep the Hunter’s Word] at [Pefini]
- Complete [Message from Khemi] at [Mekhtet]
- warp out
- (reminder: grab [Family Matters] before leaving if missing)
- Travel to [Poitain] from [Old Tarantia]
- Complete [Order Silks in Poitain] at [Serathos]
- Complete [Family Matters] at [Penth]
- Talk to [Obenathis] for [The Flow of Information]
- Warp to [Old Tarantia]
- Enter Tarantia Noble District
- Talk to [Ardetta] (just inside) for [The Flow of Information]
- She sends you back to boonies of Poitain again - super lame, possibly wait until convenient… otherwise travel again to [Poitain]
- Complete [The Flow of Information] at [Obenathis]
You will have some quests left that were given in the cities but which take you into the starter zones. These should give you a bit of direction going forward.
Starter zones ~lvl 24/25 - ~lvl40 : KHITAI
Technically I prefer to do Khitai last among the starter zone (if running through all of them), but this is getting posted first for a few reason:
- It is simpler/more monolithic than the others (smaller gaps, no elite quests, no crossover)
- Some people claim to prefer early leveling here exclusively, skipping other starter zones
- I have it done
[Gateway to Khitai]
If traveling here from Khemi and avoiding payment by escort duty, you may get a quest en route.
If this is your native zone, I recommend using the caravan to Khemi (near the wall) and completing the city quests for a couple of levels and then coming back (quests from other zones noted here as if you traveled)
(You can just grab [The Shadow of the Wall] here and after head off immediately, gathering the above quests after you return, but unless you are carefully reading the text they can be done all at once.)
- Get quest [Signs of Battle] at [Sethos]
- Get quest [End of a Road] at [Xiu-tou] (up ladder)
- Remove arrows from [Xiu-tou] for [End of a Road]
- Complete [Signs of Battle] at [Jingbo]
- Get quest [The Shadow of the Wall] at [Jingbo]
- Get quest [While They’re Still Alive] at [Jingbo]
- Get quest [The Art of Deception] at [Ze-dong]
- Get quest [Deceiving the Raiders] at [Ze-dong]
- Get quest [Blood and Jade] at [Pu-la]
- Get quest [The Lotus Road] at [Pu-la]
- Get quest [Unforgiving Thirst] at [Wingfung]
- Get quest [Last Stand on the Steppes] at [Heng-zong] (repeatable)
- Get quest [Poison as Defense] at [Heng-zong]
- Speak to [Jen-ta] for [The Art of Deception] (gives: Jen-ta’s Robe)
- Get quest [Tongues of the Traitorous] at [Jen-ta]
If you actually read the NPC text for all these [The Shadow of the Wall] may have failed or be close… If so talk to [Jingbo] for [The Shadow of the Wall] to reset.
Head eastward - Pick up [Khitan Goods] on way to the wall for [The Lotus Road]
- Grab the mid-steppes rez pad on way by
- Get the rez pad for the trading village (should just happen if you go in front gate)
- At the entry to the village get quest [Protecting the Wall] at [Protecting the Wall] (poster)
- Complete [The Shadow of the Wall] at [Taichu]
- Get quest [On Their Own] at [Taichu]
- Pick up [Food Supplies] [Bundle of arrows] at the barracks for [On Their Own]
If you are going to do the city quests use the nearby caravan now
After returning :
Complete [On Their Own] at [Jingbo]
Complete [The Lotus Road] at [Pu-la]
Complete [Exotic Sales] at [Wingfung]
Complete quest [Beyond Borders] at [Jen-ta]
Just to the south, kill snakes for [Poison Gland] for [Poison as Defense]
Complete quest [Poison as Defense] at [Crate of Arrows]
Go next to the yellow flag and defeat attack waves for [Last Stand on the Steppes] -
Complete quest [Last Stand on the Steppes] at [Heng-zong]
Kill Hyrkanians for [Waterskin] for [Unforgiving Thirst] and for [Protecting the Wall] (autocomplete)
Pick up some [Jade Figurine] for [Blood and Jade]
Talk to [Altan] for [Nest of the Phoenix] (except if you are Stygian and got dissed in Tarantia…)
Complete quest [Nest of the Pheonix] at [Targutai]
Get quest [The Hyrkanian Trial] at [Targutai]
Talk to [Jamukha] for [The Hyrkanian Trial]
Defeat [Jamukha] for [The Hyrkanian Trial]
Talk to [Jamukha] for [The Hyrkanian Trial] (gives: [Jamukha’s Token])
Complete quest [The Hyrkanian Trial] at [Targutai] (opens a up a few more quests)
Get quest [Menudsjin] at [Chotan]
Get quest [A Cold Desert] at [Chotan]
Get quest [They Awake at Night] at [Altan] (repeatable)
Get quest [Curse from Beyond] at [Altan]
Get quest [Sacred Grounds] at [Altan] (repeatable)
Get quest [Rotten and Lost] at [Vandana]
Get quest [Giving a Helping Hand] at [Hulan] (gives: [Black Powder] [Khitan Robe])
Get quest [Kuchu’s Bloodied Hands] at [Khada’an]
Take [Slaughtered Hyrkanian] for [Kuchu’s Bloodied Hands]
Get quest [Dishonor Among Thieves] at [Disloyal Hyrkanian]
Pop in some tents and take [Khitan Goods] for [Dishonor Among Thieves] (will auto-complete after 4)
Free some captives for [While They’re Still Alive] (will auto-complete after 5)
Kill some hyrkanians for [Treasure Map] for [End of a Road] (may specifically drop mounted marksman, unsure)
Guards here can also drop [Hyrkanian Note] which will give quest [Message from Menudsjin] (possibly repeatable)
Hyrkanians near the hyenas can also drop [Hyrkanian Message] which will give quest [The Disease]
Complete quest [End of a Road] at [Buried Treasure]
It’s debatable but since fairly close now isn’t a bad time to pop back to the caravan
- Complete quest [Blood and Jade] at [Pu-la]
- Complete quest [Unforgiving Thirst] at [Wingfung]
- Get quest [Left Behind] at [Wingfung]
Head due east.
- Find to the missing wagon for [Left Behind]
- Kill [One Horn] for [Angry Wooly Rhino Skin] for [A Cold Desert]
- Kill easy access [Ravening Plainstalker] around for [Message from Menudsjin] (more to north later)
- Backtrtrun north and eavesdrop for [Tongues of the Traitorous]
- Kill [Yao-pang] and [Yao-bang] for [Tongues of the Traitorous] and take their tongues
- Kill hyenas for [The Disease] (will auto-complete)
- Light beacons for [Deceiving the Raiders] (will auto-complete after all 4)
- Inspect [Coachman] for [Left Behind]
- Kill [Shan] for [Shan’s Head] for [Rotten and Lost]
- Kill any [Ravening Plainstalker] around for [Message from Menudsjin] (quest marker won’t show here but the ones in this area do count) (will auto-complete when done)
- Put on [Khitan Robe] and pace the cauldron on the [Cooking Fire] near last legion guards for [Giving a Helping Hand] (technically, wearing the robe isn’t required but these mobs are a bit higher lvl than the surroundings)
- Talk to [Orbai] for [Giving a Helping Hand]
- Put on [Jent-ta’s Robe] and kill [Kasar] for [The Art of Deception] (also does not technically require wearing the robe)
- Kill [Huang-di] for [Huang-di’s Head] for [Rotten and Lost]
- Kill a steppes rhino for [Dusty Rhino Skin] for [A Cold Desert] (one might charge you)
Head west to burial area
Depending on what time fo day in the game it is this could vary, and you can come back later. both times are listed here as if done consecutively
Kill plainstalkers in graveyard area for [Sacred Grounds] (daytime)
Kill for risen hyrkanians for [They Awake at Night] (nighttime) This should also curse you enough for [Curse from Beyond] (nighttime)
Use [Loose Soil] at the marker to bury [Slaughtered Hyrkanian] for [Kuchu’s Bloodied Hands] If at night, the nearby totem may cleanse you so it’s best to do this while you still have some risen left to kill after
At the village
- Complete quest [Curse from Beyond] at [Altan]
- Complete quest [Sacred Grounds] at [Altan]
- Complete quest [They Awake at Night] at [Altan]
- Complete quest [A Cold Desert] at [Chotan]
- Get quest [Small but Lethal] at [Chotan]
- Complete quest [Giving a Helping Hand] at [Hulan]
- Pop north a bit to kill some scorpions to the north for [Small but Lethal]
- Complete quest [Kuchu’s Bloodied Hands] at [Khada’an]
- Talk to [Khaghata Darmala] for [Rotten and Lost]
- Kill [Khaghata Darmala] for [Rotten and Lost]
- Complete quest [Rotten and Lost] at [Vandana]
- Get quest [Small but Lethal] at [Chotan]
Swing by the caravan
Complete quest [The Art of Deception] at [Ze-dong]
Get quest [Assaulting a Village] at [Ze-dong]
Complete quest [Left Behind] at [Wingfung]
Complete quest [Tongues of the Traitorous] at [Jen-ta]
Go back to the village. This will complete quest [Assaulting a Village]
Get quest [Assaulting a Village II] (automatic)
Complete quest [Assaulting a Village II] at [Targutai]
This is a possible time to jump to another starter zone for a while. Otherwise:
In the south:
- Get quest [What Should Remain Buried] at [Guo-fang]
- Get quest [They Fled South] at [Guo-fang]
- Pick up [Shovel] for [What Should Remain Buried]
- Head toward the middle of the ruins. Avoid any [Infernal Stallion] in this area as they are elite mobs (stay largely on the ridges)
- Get quest [Creatures in the Mist] at [Kuan-tai]
- Complete quest [They Fled South] at [Yue]
- Get quest [Sanctity of the Dead] at [Yue]
[Sanctity of the Dead] at has a timer. Go to the nearby [Dead Khitan] and burn it before anything else. - Kill sacred plainstalkers/hyenas for [Sanctity of the Dead]
- Use available [Excavation] sites for [Ancient Artifact] for [What Should Remain Buried]
- /kneel at [Excavation] sites for [Creatures in the Mist] (then leave the site quickly as the adds that spawn respawn quickly
- Kill some [Gluttonous Archfiend] for [Creatures in the Mist]
- Complete quest [Creatures in the Mist] at [Kuan-tai]
- Complete quest [Sanctity of the Dead] at [Yue]
- Complete quest [What Should Remain Buried] at [Guo-fang]
Farther South
- Get quest [Beasts at Bay] at [To-wai] (gives: [Last Legion Banners])
- Use 4 nearby [Pole] to place banners for [Beasts at Bay]
- Complete quest [Beasts at Bay] at [To-wai]
Hermit - Talk to [Gong] for [Menudsjin]
- Get quest [Hunting on the Steppes] at [Gong]
- Get quest [Savage Worshippers] at [Gong]
- Get quest [Feeding Shou-Hsing] at [Shou-Hsing]
- Kill plainstalkers for [Sabertooth Meat] for [Hunting on the Steppes]
- Kill yaks for [Yak Meat] for [Feeding Shou-Hsing]
- Kill Zang Xin for [Savage Worshippers]
- Kill [Zang Xin Ceremonial Maste] for [Head of the Ceremonial Master] for [Savage Worshippers]
- Use [Zang Xin Altar] for [Savage Worshippers]
- Complete quest [Savage Worshippers] at [Gong]
- Complete quest [Hunting on the Steppes] at [Gong] (also updates [Menudsjin] )
- Get quest [Remains of the Ancestors] at [Gong]
- Get quest [Destroying the Zang Xin] at [Gong]
- Complete quest [Feeding Shou-Hsing] at [Shou-Hsing] (repeatable)
Head back up into the hills - Kill Zang Xin for [Destroying the Zang Xin]
- Use 5 [Pile of Bones] to get [Human Remains] for [Remains of the Ancestors]
- Complete quest [Menudsjin] at [Menudsjin]
- Get quest [The Fate of Kuchu Khan] at [Menudsjin]
- On the way up hill near wall, use [Last Legion Order] to get quest [Death Without Honor]
- Kill [Zang Xin Elder] for [Death Without Honor] (autocomplete)
- Kill [Kuchu Khan] for [Menudsjin’s Sword] for [The Fate of Kuchu Khan]
- Complete quest [The Fate of Kuchu Khan] at [Menudsjin]
- Get quest [Becoming a Khan] at [Menudsjin]
Hermit - Complete quest [Remains of the Ancestors] at [Gong]
- Complete quest [Destroying the Zang Xin] at [Gong]
- Get quest [A Lost Time] at [Gong]
Head north,
If you are native Khitan and you should be over level 30 by now so it might be worth stopping at the caravan (you may need to sell items anyway) as this is the last natural pass-by.
- Complete quest [Blood and Sweat] at [Yehonala]
- Get quest [The Phoenix of the South] at [Yehonala]
Hyrkanians - Complete quest [A Lost Time] at [Chotan]
Mob levels jump another few levels in this next area. If you didn’t before the hermit/hills, consider going to another starter zone for a while. Otherwise:
Menudsjin’s Camp
Complete quest [Becoming a Khan] at [Menudsjin]
Get quest [The Hyrkanian Rituals] at [Menudsjin]
From the posters next to the main tent, get quests [Sacred Animals] [The Mysterious Sand People] [Deadly as a Kara Korum Night]
Get quest [Dulling the Senses] at [Tokhto’a]
Get quest [Dragon Breath] at [Yuan] (gives: [Crate of Fireworks])
Get quest [Crazed Yaks] at [Todaan]
From the posters next to the smaller tent, get quests [Legend of the Everliving Scorpion]
[Snakes on the Plains] [Creatures from Underneath] -
Get quest [Scouting the Plains] at [Nakhu]
Get quest [The Troubled Shaman] at [Dair Usun]
Get quest [Tales of a Lost People] at [Akana]
Kill 10 [Corrupted Yak] and for [Corrupted Yak Heart] for [The Troubled Shaman] and 10 more for [Crazed Yaks]
Get quest [An Unwilling Undead] at [Strange Wight] (repeatable)
Visit the map marker on top of the pointy rock hill for [Scouting the Plains]
Pop back to camp -
Complete quest [The Troubled Shaman] at [Dair Usun]
Get quest [The Distraught Shaman] at [Dair Usun]
Complete quest [Scouting the Plains] at [Nakhu]
Get quest [The Forgotten City] at [Nakhu]
Complete quest [Crazed Yaks] at [Todaan]
Get quest [Raging Sabertooths] at [Todaan]
Kill [Corrupted Sabertooth] for Raging Sabertooths and to get [Corrupted Sabertooth Heart] for [The Distraught Shaman]
Pick up some [Spirit Weed] for [Dulling the Senses]
Use some [Buried Tablet] to get [Mysterious Tablet] for [Tales of a Lost People]
Go to map points to scout for [The Forgotten City] whenever nearby for other quests (first one here for SE ruins)
Use [Loose soil] to light fireworks for SE ruins for [Dragon Breath]
Kill undead for [Creatures from Underneath] (auto-complete)
Visit the first shamanistic site (mob lvl 31) and complete it’s corresponding cleansing quest for [The Hyrkanian Rituals]
Pick up [Torch] to get quest [The Cleansing Fire] -
Light the 3 [Shamanistic Figure] on fire and kill the minions that spawn. It may be advantageous to fight on the stairs/altar (some classes/or higher levels can do all 3 at once but squishier toons will need to stagger), though on occasion if blocked a minion will stand on the ground below and needs to be killed before the quest can proceed.
Complete [The Cleansing Fire] at [Spirit of the Shaman]
(You will follow these same actions while cleansing the other sites as well) -
Light fireworks in the NW/NE sections for [Dragon Breath]
Kill snakes for [Snake Skin] for [Snakes on the Plains]
Kill [Two-Step] for [Scorpion Carcass] for [Legend of the Everliving Scorpion]
Use [Rocks] at marker to bury the carcass for [Legend of the Everliving Scorpion] (auto-complete)
Kill wights for [An Unwilling Undead] (auto-complete)
Cleanse the 3rd shamanistic site ([The Cleansing Fire III], mobs lvl 33)
Complete quest [Tales of a Lost People] at [Akana]
Get quest [Tales of the Sands] at [Akana]
Complete quest [The Distraught Shaman] at [Dair Usun]
Get quest [The Mad Shaman] at [Dair Usun]
Complete quest [The Forgotten City] at [Nakhu]
Get quest [Perfectly Insane] at [Nakhu]
Get quest [Fog of the Damned] at [Nakhu]
Complete quest [Snakes on the Plains] at [Crate of Torn Armor] (possible bug: may not be removed from inventory)
Complete quest [Raging Sabertooths] at [Todaan]
Get quest [From Beyond the Wall] at [Todaan]
Complete quest [Dragon Breath] at [Yuan]
Complete quest [Dulling the Senses] at [Tokhto’a]
Get quest [Dulling the Mind] at [Tokhto’a]
Pick up [Ghost Weed] for [Dulling the Mind]
Cleanse the 2nd shamanistic site ([The Cleansing Fire II], mobs lvl 33)
Complete quest [Dulling the Mind] at [Tokhto’a]
Kill [Enormous Widow] for [Deadly as a Kara Korum Night] (auto-complete)
Cleanse the 2nd shamanistic site ([The Cleansing Fire IV], mobs lvl 36)
Kill scorpions for [From Beyond the Wall] and also for [Corrupted Scorpion Heart] for [The Mad Shaman]
Enter the Strange Fog for a corruption debuff for [Fog of the Damned]
Run back to the camp
- Complete quest [Fog of the Damned] at [Nakhu]
- Complete quest [The Mad Shaman] at [Dair Usun]
- Get quest [The Demon of the Sands] at [Dair Usun] (gives: [Essence of Corruption]) (bug: this is a normal inventory item, if by chance you are full you may need to delete, clear space, then take again)
- Complete quest [From Beyond the Wall] at [Todaan]
- Complete quest [The Hyrkanian Rituals] at [Menudsjin]
- Get quest [Stay Dead, Friend] at [Menudsjin] (lvl 34, which you should be by now if not before)
Head east
- Turn north into the first ravine (corrupted animals)
- Head to the marker at the north end [The Mysterious Sand People] (auto-complete)
Backtrack and take the next turn north (there is also a boulder area part way back that you can climb over instead bypassing some fighting) - Pick up [Shard of Glass] for [Tales of the Sands]
Head to the northern end. You can use the western side of the pass to avoid much fighting if you want
Use [Summoning Altar] and kill [Writhing Sandstrosity] for [The Demon of the Sands]
Backtrack a bit south (can use either side to avoid most mobs) to the northern hyrkanian camp - Burn [Menudsjin’s Dead Friend] for [Stay Dead, Friend] (in the pass/down a small trail on west of camp)
- Kill crazy hyrkanians for [Perfectly Insane] (auto-complete)
- Free 5 [Whipped Nag] for [Sacred Animals] (auto-complete)
- Move back to the main trail intersection
- At the start of the mountain path, use [Note I] to get quest [Ghosts of the Wall]
- Head up the path and use [Note II] and [Note III] for [Ghosts of the Wall]
- Up at the top of the path near the wall use [Note IV] to for [Ghosts of the Wall]
Head back to camp
- Complete quest [Tales of the Sands] at [Akana]
- Get quest [A Letter to Khemi] at [Akana] (gives: [Akana’s Letter])
- Complete quest [The Demon of the Sands] at [Dair Usun]
- Complete quest [Stay Dead, Friend] at [Menudsjin]
- Get quest [A Bloodstained Dagger] at [Menudsjin] (gives: [Qun’s Dagger])
Trading village
Get quest [Slaying Savages] at [Slaying Savages] (poster)
(not really a quest) If you have 20 [Gallbladder of Yak] you can use the [Stone Altar] on the hillside to the south fo the village and summon a [Demonic Yak] to kill -
Complete quest [A Letter to Khemi] at [Joy-shan]
Get quest [Through the World] at [Joy-shan] (gives: [Black Powder])
Complete quest [A Bloodstained Dagger] at [Qun]
Get quest [Brawling for Qun] at [Qun]
Talk to [Kao-tsu] for [Brawling for Qun]
Defeat [Kao-tsu] then talk to him again for [Brawling for Qun] (encountered a glitch here that left this stuck in combat mode and lock out dialogue nearby. If this happens re-log)
Complete quest [Brawling for Qun] at [Qun]
Get quest [The Lotus Fiend] at [Chang-wei]
Get quest [Whoremonger] at [Yi-ku]
Kill [Yurki] for [Whoremonger]
Complete quest [Whoremonger] at [Yi-ku]
Get quest [The Oldest Profession] at [Yi-ku]
Talk to [Shoshana] (if choosing female) or [Kao-tsu] (if choosing male) for [The Oldest Profession] (gives: [Coins for Yi-ku]) (minor bug: seems to allow you to service either one regardless of what you chose)
Complete quest [The Oldest Profession] at [Yi-ku]
Get quest [The Black Dragon of Khitai] at [Han-khi]
Get quest [Crushed by Artillery] at [Han-khi]
Get quest [The Giant] at [Han-khi] (repeatable)
Get quest [Betrayer of an Empire] at [Taichu]
Head over to the house by marker and listen to dialogue from [Wu-ji] for [Betrayer of an Empire] (don’t go directly inside or it will fail, stay outside in the back near the opening)
Head up the small path to the north of the village and use [Black Powder Urn’s] [sic] for The Black Dragon of Khitai]. Get knocked on your ■■■■.
Complete quest [Betrayer of an Empire] at [Taichu]
Complete quest [The Black Dragon of Khitai] at [Han-khi]
Head into the bombardment area
- Kill Zang Xin for [The Giant] and for [Slaying Savages] at [Slaying Savages] (auto-complete)
- Use [Dead Zang Xin] to get [Zang Xin Weapon] for [Crushed by Artillery]
Head up the hill through camps - Use [Black Lotus Crate] to get [Black Lotus Crate] for [The Lotus Fiend]
- Climb up the ladder to the platform
- Kill [Cong the King] for [The Giant] (see what they did there ;P)
(it is possible to drop off the north edge here without suicide when heading back, though the latter is possibly faster) - Complete quest [Crushed by Artillery] at [Han-khi]
- Complete quest [The Giant] at [Han-khi]
- Complete quest [The Lotus Fiend] at [Chang-wei]
The only thing left here are faction quests at the gate. These should not have any effect on late-game faction standing but are mutually exclusive.
- Get quest [The Gate and the Thief] at [Taichu] (faction quest: will cancel out first Scarlet Circle quest progress)
- Climb up the ladders all the way to the top of the tower
- Kill Scarlet Circle Thief for [The Gate and the Thief]
- Complete quest [The Gate and the Thief] at [Taichu]
- Get quest [Common People] at [Taichu] (gives: [Food Supplies] x3)
- Talk to [Qun], [Shoshana] , and [Joy-shan] for [Common People]
- Complete quest [Common People] at [Taichu]
- Get quest [Wei-li] at [Taichu]
- Climb up to the second wall level (center road not sides) and head south
- Talk to [Gong-sun] for [Wei-li]
- Head back north and climb up in the tower just north of the main gate
- Kill [Wei-li] for [Wei-li’s powder] for [Wei-li]
- Complete quest [Wei-li] at [Taichu]
- Get quest [The Kang Zai Summoning] at [Taichu] (gives: [Powder]) (this is on a 15m timer, why I am not sure)
- Climb up to only the 1st level this time, northern side again, and enter the room where the ritual is occuring.
- Use [Sacrificial Bowl] for [The Kang Zai Summoning]
- Kill the Kang Zai for [The Kang Zai Summoning]
- Complete quest [The Kang Zai Summoning] at [Taichu]
- Get quest [Blood of the Scarlet Circle] at [Taichu]
- Climb up to the top/center level again this time
- Kill scarlet circle for [Powder] for [Blood of the Scarlet Circle]
- Talk to [Sorceress of Zang Kai] on the ground west of the wall for [Blood of the Scarlet Circle](if you have horse you can jump down otherwise go back to climb)
- Kill [Sorceress of Zang Kai] for [Blood of the Scarlet Circle]
- Complete quest [Blood of the Scarlet Circle] at [Taichu] (BLUE REWARD: 1AA point and one of necklace const/HR, ring const/CR, ring const/M.dmg)
—OR —
- Get quest [Rage of the Kang Zai] at [Li-min] (faction quest: will cancel out first Last Legion quest progress)
- Climb up to the 1st wall level, northern side , past the ritual room
- Kill [Uncontrolled Kang Zai] for [Kang Zai bones] for [Rage of the Kang Zai]
Go to the Scarlet Circle camp west of town - Use [Summoning object] for [Rage of the Kang Zai] (spawns a Kang Zai but killing it is not required for the quest)
- Complete quest [Rage of the Kang Zai] at [Li-min]
- Get quest [Betrayed by the Emperor] at [Li-min] (gives: [Li-min’s Poison])
- Climb up to either wall level (or both if needed), southern side, inside center rooms or along the top path (including some outside the marked area)
- Use [Last Legion Food Supplies] for [Betrayed by the Emperor]
- Complete quest [Betrayed by the Emperor] at [Li-min]
- Get quest [The Beginning of the End] at [Li-min]
- Climb up to the 2nd wall level, southern side
- Pick up [Huang’s Medallion] for [The Beginning of the End]
- Complete quest [The Beginning of the End] at [Li-min]
- Get quest [The Murder of Tze-meng] at [Li-min]
- Talk to [Tze-meng] for [The Murder of Tze-meng]
- Kill [Tze-meng] for [The Murder of Tze-meng]
- Complete quest [The Murder of Tze-meng] at [Li-min]
- Get quest [The Execution of Huang] at [Li-min]
- Talk to [Taichu] for [The Execution of Huang]
- Climb up to the 2nd wall level, southern side, and take the road down to it’s end
- Kill all [Huang’s Bodyguard] for [The Execution of Huang]
- Kill [Huang] for [The Execution of Huang]
- Complete quest [The Execution of Huang] at [Li-min] (BLUE REWARD: 1AA point and one of necklace const/HR, ring const/CR, ring const/M.dmg)
The only thin left in this zone is a dance quest for foreigners (costs 3 gold) and the scaling dungeons. Time to GTFO.