Question about bows

Does anyone know if bows have individual accuracy ratings that aren’t listed in the stats? It’s just that I noticed in a description for ….I think it’s Derketos Kiss, the one you get from the servant in Klael’s Stronghold….it says that it is “Avery accurate now”

Just wondering if that’s just lore or do the bows actually have accuracy ratings.

Before 3.0, we had different attributes including Accuracy which increased damage dealt from bows and projectiles.

iirc, Derketo Bow used to grant extra attribute points in Accuracy while wielded, that’s it :+1:

@SpherisCore oh yeah that’s right. It’s the original description from the old system.

Here’s an idea. Let’s take this absurd Authority attribute and redefine it. Make it to be more like the old accuracy attribute. Instead of it influencing followers it could be for specialized damage types, specifically concussive and ranged damage. When you get to the second peel you can go concussive one way or ranged the other way. Get back some of the bow features like the power knock down shot or maybe faster reload or less accuracy penalty for shooting while moving.
Never agreed with putting ranged attacks in the Agility attribute, traditionally the one has nothing to do with the other while st the same time Authority seems to me is specifically a feature for PvE gameplay. I just think the dev team can do better here. I never agreed with the whole Authority as an attribute. You should not have to nerf urself to make followers better.

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