Shouldn't Derketo's Voice Bow Buff Agility 25%

Derketo’s Voice Bow buffed Accuracy by +5 before 3.0 Update. 1 point of Accuracy seems to translate into 5% Agility. So, extrapolating 5 points Accuracy = 25% Agility.

Not to mention that 5 points in Accuracy allowed you to put those points elsewhere. Which is why I usually used Derketo’s Voice even though it did less damage and a lot less penetration than the other legendary, ‘Red Mother’.

Anyway, now everyone is lined up to get ‘Reach of the Red Mother’, which, BTW, I lost when my character recently did not spawn a corpse or corpse marker. Derketo’s Voice is not so Legendary now. I think you could craft something better.

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Some Legendary weapons which had added stat bonuses did not get an equivalent conversion when the patch hit. It’s another thing added to the grocery list that they need to fix.


It would be 25% if they had kept the same damage balancing, which they did not. The apparent reduction in bonus is offset by the extra damage the player does and the weakening of boss stats. Looking at a stat conversion individually does not give the full picture. Its not 1:1.

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