So I play single player, my purge meter is full for days.
I built in an area where purge can spawn, near to the Summoning place. I even have a treasure coffin, admin spawned with thousands of gold bars, but still nothing. That base is 120 foundations big, 2 floors, multiple stations.
Purge inital delay set to the minimum, requirementa to fill the meter is lowered, but still nothing.
I’m not that active since 3.0, so probably I am missint something.(?)
Ridiculous, no one can tell, that there is purge happening or not?
The size of the treasury does not affect the purge yet , this should be turned on in the next chapter
For now, the classic purge rules apply.
so if you have a full meter check what time you have set for the purge to start - for example on the official servers it is between 18-22 h and you have to be online for at least 15 minutes
It works for me in singleplayer PC
Thank you guys!
There is no speficic time for the purge to start, I play single player.
Weird then, I will force start a purge via the control panel, see it helps.
Purge in Single-Player has always been a bit unreliable. On a previous playthrough I had a base built where I wanted a Purge to strike, but despite the meter being full for very long times it never struck there. But as soon as I teleported to the Jungle obelisk, a Purge started and targeted my Jungle base, which is where I did not want it, because it was inevitably snakes, or naked but otherwise not very useful Lemurians.
The algorithm that starts the purge is very capricious.
I have had occasions where a purge came to my base on a regular basis, but after I added just a few foundations inside the perimeter of the base (!), it was blocked. Removed them - purge was restored again.
Even a small object located outside the base next to the walls, but without touching them, with a high degree of probability blocks the purge.
The location of a large farm for raising animals next to the base has always blocked the purge for me.
Purge meter has been full on official for 6 days. I am getting the purge checks in the event log, but no purge has started. No one else on the server has gotten a purge in 2 weeks.
So it’s wonky by default… great, what a surprise!
Now I can’t complete my journey
PROBABLY in chapter 2. But I wouldn’t bet on that.
Well, I got a Purge, and even got a T4 thrall to spawn, but failed to complete the “Tame a Purge thrall” journey step, probably because I stuffed him in the wheel after the Purge had ended. Or maybe because something random happened. I’ll never know.
Try taming anything that comes, not only T4 thralls.
It also didn’t work the first time I tried but worked with a random T1 or T2 Darfari lmfao
Okay, the purge is just a total mess - still.
IT HAPPENED today. I was farming star metal, when my only base, below the Summoning place got purged. I just made it back in time.
Weird, that the meter was full for more than a week, and I always was in my base,s vincinity just to get prepared for the purge in time, and one time I go away, boom…
I got a darfari T4 cook and it checked when I dragged her into the wheel of pain.
Got the purge after 6 six days of a full meter. So, we are already halfway to the meter since it kept going up the last week.
I don’t really care, but I am looking forward to the new one.
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