Hi , I am thinking of buying Conan Exiles while it is on sale, but first have a few questions if someone can help please?
I am not interested in multiplayer. I would like to play offline or single player only. Is this still possible?
My main interest of this game is the building aspect. I have been reading a thread where developers asked people to name their favorite DLC. Quite a few mentioned “Aquilonian” , yet I do not see this DLC on steam.
Is there a website anywhere that has a ‘building item’ list? Types of building materials, decorations etc…and which DLC’s they come in?
I am more into medieval type buildings & furnishings than any other, so what would you recommend in DLC’s?
Hope someone can help me in time!
Merry Christmas to you all! Tar…
You can totally play single player, when in the main menu you see “Single player/coop”, this is what you’ll want to play. You can also go in a official server and play solo, but it’ll always be better to go in the “single player/coop”. It’ll be better if you are more interested in building.
This aquilonian DLC is named “Jewel of the West Pack”. DLCs are bringing quiet a lot of stuff for a player like you (I think so at least) and beautiful armors and buidlings !
The wiki will be your place ! You can search for building pieces and building tiers easily and when you go on a specific item, it’ll show how you can get it, for exemple, here is the “Jewel of the west” list of items : https://conanexiles.gamepedia.com/Jewel_of_the_West
It’s hard to say, if you are more into medieval knights with great stone walls, the best that you can get is in my opinion the “Blood and Sand Pack” and if you want a medieval knight armor look, I’d say that the “Riders of Hyboria” is good.
Thank you! You two were fast! After playing multiplayer games for 20 years now, I wanted something to play that I could just slow down and be by myself. Single play works for me for now.
One thing I forgot to ask, I saw a youtube and someone had Christmas items. Are those in a DLC or were they a gift from the developers?
You still need internet connection to play “offline” but you have your own world within a single file on your own hard drive (if it’s PC) so you can make backups and transfer this whole world to any other PC. You can even edit this file a bit as it’s just an SQlite base. I don’t know much about consoles of course as I play PC version of CE.
If you play single player remember to disable “building decay” in the settings, which could be on by default, it disable the decaying of buildings for multiplayer, and since you want to play single you might not want your buildings to decay and vanish into thin air.