We’re here to help you! This is a place where you can post any issues you’re having in Age of Conan and receive help from Funcom Customer Service and other players alike.
The following are our basic rules of conduct that govern player interaction and activity within Age of Conan. Please be aware that the failure to act responsibly and comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account without a refund of any kind.
You may not harass, cyber bully or threaten other players in any form while participating in any Funcom game or communication channel.
You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. This includes all communication with other players.
You may not impersonate any Funcom employee, including, but not limited to, any Customer Support staff, nor may you impersonate any members of the volunteer group.
You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation for the location you are playing from.
You may not arrange for the exchange or transfer of any pirated or illegal software, nor engage in the buying and selling of accounts, services or items involving the use of real currency.
You will always follow the instructions of authorized personnel.
You may not organize nor be a member of any cabals, clans, groups or guilds within Funcom games that are based on, or espouse, any racist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, or other hate-mongering philosophy.
You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions, accounts, code or communications related to Funcom games.
You may not give false or inaccurate information in your registration and account information.
You will not exploit any bug and you will not communicate the existence of any such exploitable bug (bugs that grant the user unnatural or unintended benefits in game for a character of their profession and level), either directly or through public posting, to any other players. You will promptly report any such bugs to support staff.
You will not attempt to play or run Age of Conan, Anarchy Online, The Secret World, or Secret World Legends on any server or emulator that is not controlled or authorized by Funcom.
You will not upload or transmit to Funcom forums any copyrighted content that you do not own all rights to, unless you have the express written permission of the author or copyright holder.
These rules are basic and not meant to be all inclusive. Rules are subject to change.
Clarification is all anyone asks; things like ‘suspicious activity’ and other subjective terms.
There are many different cultures represented and some international restrictions on free speech; which standard for the level of enforcement should be made clear and the penalty for violating the banned words; which words, literally, no one knows (a proper list would be great
@Deukalion You’re right, that’s why it shouldn’t be used to punish players.
Without a rule being violated there’s no crime deserving of punishment, ‘Culpae poenae par esto,"; let the punishment fit the crime. The conscience recoils when the harshest penalty is delivered for a minor violation and then a slap on the wrist for the worst offense.
Paradox of Exponential Penalties
The longer customers ‘support the game financially’ the more harsh their punishments; banned for 3-days, 7-days, 14-days, 30-days, 90-days, 1-year, Permanent. Under this system, a free player account (f2p) receives a 3-day ban for violating the same rule that leaves a veteran permanently banned.
To be honest it’s very common in real world too. For example, you aren’t allowed in some countries to insult someone from a royal family. Insult is a broad concept, which is judged by an independent person. You won’t find a list in any law stating which words are considered an insult.
Hope this query fits this post. I’m a returning player and a former premium member. I paid for a One-Month membership to be able to use my free slot but it’s been 3 days and my account is still F2P.
I’m starting a character with a few friends from another game and I’m waiting to join them on a new character, so please any help would be much much appreciated.
My main character name is Averroez
Thanks in advance!
Update: It’s changed for me. I learned that you can log into to the account from the website and try activating and selecting the membership plan and it updates it, since I paid already. So I’m good. Cheers all
I hope it helps. I’m running out of contact options.
Age of Conan unchained
Pry°°° (my account, 12 years old)
Snl°°° (my wife’s account, 12 years old)
Juli°°° ( my daughter’s account, new)
It’s about me, my wife and now my daughter’s account. We bought them all Premium and Funcom points. it’s been a week now. All worth 180 euros. However, we did not receive anything ingame, although everything was debited. I very much hope that we will be helped here. Customer support has not yet responded or is unavailable.
Das nenne ich ehrlich gesagt Frechheit.
Buchungen, die bereits als bestätigt angezeigt wurden, werden jetzt als fehlgeschlagen angezeigt, obwohl sie von meiner Karte abgebucht wurden. @AndyB Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen da der Kundenservice nicht erreichbar ist.
Denn das ist wirklich nicht mehr lustig.
I honestly call that cheek.
Bookings that were already shown as confirmed are now shown as failed, even though they were charged to my card.
@ AndyB I hope you can help me because customer service is not available.
Because that’s really not funny anymore.
Sorry for popping up my forum topic again in this comment section also. But I do not understand from which page I can get help to my situation.
“ Kindly requesting pending payment approval if there is no problem with transaction. If is there any issue regarding the payment could you please inform me regarding the issue. Many thanks in advance.”