Since my new found love of building with the new DLC, I am at the purge meter and fully expect the purge to hit my new town and castle.
My question is, is anyone familiar with the types of purges in this area?
I know awhile back, someone built a huge square t3 base just east of my Tavern, and got purged. The purge wiped his whole base out to the ground and took my outer walls on the east side with it.
I was not online at the time, but it must have been brutal.
I have not had a purge in over a year and am not up to speed on them ATM.
Any help/information/advice would be wonderful, thank you.
I once build there with my pvp team, about 2 years before. I had a yeti purge twice. I really hope you’ll get a nordeimer purge, yeti purges are not so cool.
However 2 months ago my son had an hyena purge close to the Sinners Refuge cave. It came with hyena humanoids (werewolf) and human crafters, not just the animals. I believe this is happening because all the official settings for purge now are lvl 6, so the purges will be more challenging.
So even if you have a yeti purge, maybe they will arrive with beasttamers.
Good luck
Yeti purge is great only source for asier berserker or asier crafting thralls in exil lands
@Bearhunter , Thank you m8, this sounds interesting because I never had an aesir purge in exile lands. Does the location that @JJDancer build next to the passage has aesir purge?
Yes you did a beautiful (to be stolen ) job integrating the roads and features. Quite nice. My thrall base is at Sandward Tower, and we’ve had two Purges there that I’ve witnessed. I got a Group of Vanir Hunters, probably about a Level 5, then an Army of Nordheimers, I’d say Level 4. My clanmate is the one who built this thrall location and he said he also had a Level 3 Outcast Vanir Chieftain.
As far as pathing, they appeared to be coming from a distant vanishing point, I’d guess at about the bend in the river, where the 3 roads come together in D10. Oh and expect a lot of Varpnir.
These guys are devastating to T1. If you feel prepared enough to sacrifice a building in their path, they are quite economical. You might even be amused at the animation they use while attacking lone foundation blocks! Happy thralling.
Well, I have spread about 10 of my best fighters throughout the town, and all of my builds are T2 and T3. I may just video the whole thing for fun. Thank you.
I usually skip T2 builds entirely. The purges carve through them - but not having to make steel reinforcements I guess would be nice!
I used the T2 insulated for the wooden look in some of the village houses, since I have three or four chests full of mats that I was not using. Some of my buildings are the T3 brick. My castle on the hill is all brick and I doubt they would even get near it. Also my big Tavern is all T3.
That would be amusing, as that is where my neighbor has spammed his T1 blocks everywhere. Maybe justice will be served.
Well that was disappointing, an avalanche of rocknoses attacked my primary base at Murielas, a few Dafari came with them. It was too easy, half of them stop and try to fight other mobs … lol
Its not a asier purge the yeti purge have some asier humans whit them
@Bearhunter , It does the same . Either the purge message says Yeti purge if I have aesir crafters is all I need. Do they wear aesir costumes when placed in benches? This would be very awesome. You know it is very wonderful playing a game so many years and still learning something new . I have so many questions yet! For example some crafters have to many slots free, for example cooks, why? Is it something that exists or something to be done? After Siptah update I started killing finally the witch doctors, and because I have so many ofcurce , still after all these years of gaming I took the mask and club, never before. Every time they make a change it has more meanings than we understand, maybe… We play wrong all this time after all
Yes they wearing the asier dress from siphta on benches.and what you mean whit free slots on cooks ?
Yes, not only cooks, when the game started all the crafters had a lot of empty slots, I find none, even the purge ones to have them all filled , I guess it’s something we have to wait
She’s like “How sweet, the minerals come to ME.”
Can you explain this a littel bit more ? A screen shot maby nice because i dont know what you mean
Before the bench update all the flawless items were on the upper slot bar, now the slots are reduced, still we have empty in almost all the crafters
Top right, 3 slots empty.
You can tell me, wtf, this is normal to exist, but… Is it?
Yes i think this is normal
I think it is the coding of 1 line have 5 slots even only 2 get used