Quick loot system suggestion

I have a suggestion for you to consider, which I believe, should be relatively simple to implement.

The quick loot system is a great tool which I try to use as often as possible. However, it pops up with 15 boxes by default, even if there are only 3-4 things to loot. The problem with this is that my mouse wheel is fairly sensitive and I often end up in boxes with no loot. One tick of my wheel generally sends me 2-3 boxes past where I want to be, leaving me frustrated and just hitting “F” rather than trying to fuss with it further.

I propose this be changed to only allow the wheel exploratory access to the boxes with loot in them. Graphically, nothing needs to change, perhaps just an if/else loop that would check and invalidate empty boxes. I realize this suggestion was long winded but I truly hope it is seriously considered as a QoL implementation. Thanks in advance.

PS ~ Roughly 2k hours played and still loving the game, keep up the great work! :star_struck:

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I almost never use quick loot , on consoles is horrible . Yet I believe that in pc must be very useful , so I support your Idea :+1:

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