That is obvious. It wouldn’t have to be so though. My point here is that the heritage needs to be visible, to play a bigger part when it comes to lore (discussion in two other threads related to Crom) coz we feel there is a conflict there and heritage may be the key to fit the lock of that issue.
Heritage doesn’t have to solely be about race though. Heritage is much more than that and it could be here as well.
But Exiles band together for survival. Either as a faction group or a racial group.
There is nothing wrong with having a storyline setup where you get to revel in YOUR particular racial group and get a benefit for being part of that race.
The problem is that not every racial group is represented. There are no groups of Picts, Himelians or Khitan for example. That’s why faction quests would make more sense.
I had the picture that the player character is the one who starts the quest themselves, not an external npc. They would only have to trigger it somehow.
So why can’t we, the players, for once be the quest givers giving other players their quests in case they wanted so? It would be fairly simple to do and the coding is mostly done.
Honestly, people are overlooking that the racial storylines are just that, optional storylines. I think the main reason is the completionists couldn’t stand the fact that there were rewards for the races other than they were playing. That would be impossible to get in that play through.
I’m a completionist and while I like to venture wherever I feel like it, the issue usually is the achievement design that forces us to explore every single cranny and nook in the known existence. It’s not that there are things to do, but achievements are the ones that tell me what I should do. If the achievement system is bloated, I’m not going to bother and this bothers the hell out of me … They have to be general and linear in nature to work for everyone, not a stretch factory that pumps bottlenecks as it was Ragnarok already.
For example, if an achievement tells us to do every religion in the game, they are not optional in nature anymore. If it asks to find a religion, then the whole setting promotes optional religion routes as equal in value. However, if finding a religion is an optional feat, then we are back in square one. If one is found along the plot for example, then we are good to go. If the one religion we would like to attain could be missed, then we probably do so without Wikipedia (which in turn is a blessing and a curse) and have to do the whole thing over again to that point; forced repetition burns me out fast. If the game is great, I am the one who decides to repeat the game and no one else. Forced repetition is the worst.
An achievement should never be designed to be too personal coz it drives the personality away from the rest; I am not the only one playing the game, that is. This is okay in some games that are deliberately designed toward specific customer groups with significantly distinct tastes. Usually these games have a protagonist who resembles the customer themselves for example or the Hero’s Road reflects certain moments in time to which we relate. When it comes to diversity however, catering the whole game to the whole audience becomes a burden rather quickly in case we aim the whole world.
Personal achievements for personal games and general achievements for general games. Nothing hits harder below the belt like personal achievements in general games and general achievements in personal games.
I don’t think racial quests fit, as much as lore quests related to the different groups within the Exiled Lands. I’d like it to be possible to become allied with distinct factions, with some requirements…as a Yog worshipper, for example, why exactly couldn’t you become allied with the Darfari? Why can’t you earn the trust of the Black Hand? What secrets do the Votaries of Skelos hold?
It would change the nature of those areas for you, while still aiming to be a sandbox.
Well, the Darfari are cannibals. So even if you were a fellow Yog worshiper, you are a stranger. That makes you dinner.
Joining a faction would be fine, if you were limited to one faction per character. Or else we’d be turned into Skyrim where you could join any of them.
While it could have been fun to line up all characters as date rivals, in Final Fantast VII we could only try date Tifa, Aeris (yes, to me she’s written with -s), Yuffie and Barrett. While Barrett was the hardest to woo, Aeris was the easiest. Only one of them wins the date war and it’s all about our actions.
While it would be good to leave some groups out of the algorithm (some has to), I think the Darfari presents Barrett in this case in a way. Figuratively speaking, to get to date the Darfari, we need to treat everyone else the worst way possible and make sure every highest of praises will be aimed at the Darfari and their deity. One mistake and even ripping off the bracelet wouldn’t help. Win their trust and you would find yourself invited to the dinner table, as a guest and not food.
Sounds like y’all are looking for an rp server?
There are only three things in these lands you should worry about. That is to survive, build, and dominate! -insert warcry here-
Sorry guys I’m kinda drunk. Great read though.
I’m fine just the way it is. The way the sole quest in the game is set up you delete your character if you complete it. I’m quite terrified what another might bring
The idea of adding more requirements to certain things may be a good idea.
Also currently “quests” are more like a trade. You trade something in for something else, like the scourgestone or that keystone. Or you find a stone with recipes and learn those recipes there…
The “questchain” of religions might envolve around the teachers which trade a certain unique material which is used for a certain level of the altar. Might be ores, food, bones… whatever. On the other hand, the same might be applied to allow for easier token generation. Meaning being able to exchange the easiest religious item of each religion for a zeal. At least people will have to move there sometimes. Or something like that…? Anyway.
Having questchains or similar sound nice to me, on the other hand this is a sandbox and like Kendaric said; They arent the complete opposite. So in a way it actually is the other way around. Having a large sum of quests, thus a large amount of content, which will never force itself on the player like a red lined game where the player at worst just runs through levels… It allows for a lot of diversity.
Bringing be to: To me a good game comes with choices and consequences.
Neither of them are given in Conan Exiles, which explains why pure pve will result in boredom at some point.
Gets confirmed by pvp, where players will get “new” content by new, different players joining a server and how RP allows a player to have fun on the same server for literally months. (In my case 4 full months now…)
I mean I almost never look in the forums anymore, as I simply am busy on that server. As a normal player without any admin rights… Though creating places and adding quests and stuff over there was fun on the previous server. (Which basically was RP as well, but I never really encountered any real RP situation…)
Quests are fine, but they need to allow for choices as long as this is a sandbox. Including to decline.
CE does lack choices and consequences of these.
That’s not really fair. Let’s amend that to “a good role-playing game comes with choices and consequences”.
There are good platformers, 1st person shooters, racing games, visual novels, 3rd person hack&slash games, MOBAs, RTS games, turn-based tactical games, etc. with little or no consequences of your choices. Oh, and good survival games, too.
Conan Exiles wasn’t designed or meant to be an immersive role-playing game, so there’s little point complaining that it’s lacking the features of one.
Exactly. This is why I thought about player to player questing. I already thought about it around when Sea of Thieves went Beta.
Teachers (pondering intensifies)… If the role of a teacher falls on the players, then this could work as an incentive for diplomacy to a small albeit interesting degree. One becomes the prophet and others join as followers.
I’d like to create deity specific items that fit to their personality. I’ve mentioned this already couple times, but I think Derketo’s temple is our bedroom and her altar is our king-size bed. I don’t really practise the death part, but aroma oils and lotions would bring this fertility side of her personality to light.
Personally anything that allows us getting something merely faster belongs as a slider to the server settings amongst crafting speed, xp gain and the like.
As a sidenote, I’ve found out that the dev team hasn’t really been able to grasp exploration incentives well. The clumsy enough tab system and menu navigation keeps us busy in place and forms an annoying bottleneck in specific levels of progression. The clumsiness and the bottlenecks take so much time that the current incentive impact resource exploration diminishes greatly. The more specific resources a recipe needs, the more probable it is to become a nuisance. For this reason recipes need to count in personal biometrics.
I’d rather become bored with a smooth progression system in place than one that is too clumsy and embraces bottleneck effect from time to time. The latter leaves a really bad taste in mouth about progression.
Choices and consequences are universal. They are the force that binds everything together. These so called “Quests” are not bound as an RPG element only. We, the roleplayers, don’t own a monopoly to it.
The boring part is that it’s become too forced over what it could have become known for. Instead of natural pace of quest development, a story is usually told thorough them and that doesn’t really paint the big picture of variety.
I am with Kendaric on this one. Even a handful of repeatable radiant fetch/kill quests would be great. They are only optional, and as such people would not be obligated to do them. More options is always good. As I always say…“The option which presents fewer options is rarely the better option”. -Croms_Faithful
First off I disagree on that only applying to RPGs.
On the contrary: There are quite a few RPGs, which come with little to no consequences either. I think of them as bad games.
Choices and consequences apply to any game which comes with balance. So as long as there are different choices to pick, there should be consequences too.
Also of the categories you named… Let me think about which of these doesnt have choices with consequences… I see none, just those I cant comment on: I never liked racing games and I dont get what you mean by visual novels.
To keep it short:
Any game I played which didnt come with choices and consequences felt dull.
Choices and consequences are something which enriches the gameplay.
Those are in CE already in small amounts, though the balance seems off. (Which unfortunately kills actual choices, as there wont be any.)
That being said, due to the sandbox element, CE allows for a lot.
Being a thief, hiding away, never revealing oneself? Being a sniping archer? Being a dumb brute swinging a 2h sword and trading hits?
It’s just that I see potential to develop more depth to the game. Usually I see this being done by adding choices which then again come with consequences. Layers of them being placed on top of each other.
Fair enough.
Anyway. My thoughts are mine only. It’s fine to agree or disagree, but then I prefer explanations WHY one thinks in another way.
Also in the end I think I might have been destined to crash on some RP server. I just LOVE a balance of strenghts and weaknesses. Because this makes stuff interesting, even more if you add personality to a toon and if that personality gets into conflict with others…
Okay, let me rephrase: Different, multiple ways to gain tokens would be fun. Like imagine repeatable quests if one reached the last stage of any religion and then may i.e. gather 100 human flesh for a few extratokens. Or honey in terms of derketo? Sand reaper poison at set? Ice for Ymir?