Raid time on pvp 8104 american ps4

The raid time seems to be wrong on 8104.
It should be 5-11 eastern time but people are able to raid the entire night long. Also the named thrall’s name’s appear in German. Any way to fix these things? This is an American server.

81## is west coast so it’s Pacific time…the German thing…yeah that’s weird and I can confirm

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Thank you for your report. We’ll ask our team to verify the server settings with G-Portal.

Please let us know if you find any other issue on our Lands. :slight_smile:

When you look at the settings for times, those times are the local time of the Server.

When you are looking at your event log, the times are your local times.

The problem is that is not easy to detect which time zone a Server is in, leading to confusion when there are windows of time for certain activities.

It would be helpful, if at the Server select screen, there was something which indicated the home time zone of the Server.

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