How about making the list show when friends and allies are on, but hiding all others? Raiders use the current list to offline raid. Yes, there are those that say raid time is raid time, but not everyone can be on during those times 7 days a week. Until public servers settings are tweaked to give a variation of flavors, more new players are going to give up on Conan exiles because they were offline raided.
I think its a good idea. There should be some sense of “are the online, will they catch me?” As of now when I’m exploring, I rob bases that are left open because I can just check to see they’re not on.
I’d be great with that as long as it doesn’t apple to PvE servers. It should definitely apply to PvE-C and PvP servers, though.
What ways do people find to take advantages is hilarious. I would have never thought of using the players list this way… but I’m sure others are doing it as you mention, it makes sense if you wish to raid offline. It seems a good idea to turn it off for PvP servers, though I don’t know how easy that can be to implement since it’s part of the general interface, it might be hard to change that only for one type of server.
I liked the game without it. It’s like a crystal ball for players. Sometimes you could anticipate raids because everyone and their grandma who was in a clan would all suddenly be online at the beginning of raid time.
the list shouldn’t show any names of online players unless they are in your clan. I also think the event log should not show name of the player or clan that damaged your stuff. It should just say damaged by player
I agree no player list for pvp servers except clan members or don’t have so much information included. Let it show player name only, but definitely not clan name. Sure for raiding and also the politics of the server is much more interesting if you don’t know who is together. You have to interact with people to find out who you like and don’t like and then realize you can’t trust Anyone.
if implemented then I think it should have an option in the server set up for
A) show player list to all - enable / disable
B) show server list to Admins only
Or something to that effect so the private server operators who have specific rules regarding raiding etiquette can continue use the player list to enforce it.
Although removing the ingame player list will mean nothing whilst websites such as Battlemetrics can show in real time who is online etc.
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