On/Off line Player List

Currently a player or guild can see a list of other players and what guild they are in. Aside from hacks and exploits, offline raiding is the bane of survival gaming and allowing other players/guilds to see when their rivals are on/off line only feeds to that bane. Please consider removing or somehow refining that feature. ty


I like that you can see who is in game as it allows me to prepare against more powerful players. It also allows me to start chats with players from other clans that we are on friendly terms with during the game.

It should be a clan, group or friend feature not a server feature.

Because, it also allows you to see who is not online for “midnight” raiding and griefing; aso strength of opposing forces and that kind of thing.

Raids will be restricted from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm local time on the official servers.

I personally do not see any issue.

I personally am not “friends” with every one that I might chat with in game. I will check the player list and if I see someone I know from previous encounters I start the chat.

The same goes for Name Plates. I like to see the Names of the other players.

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Sorry for using the term “midnight” which I didn’t literally mean, Let me define it better. I meant, “checking to see if your intended target is online so that if they are not you can sneak in and raid them”.

There got it now?