Honestly, theres probably a million like it. But i just spent like 3 hours fanangling this together and would like some feedback and maybe even some improvement ideas, since Funcom refuses to make placeable ships or fix the issue with angled ceiling tiles and stability. Took a lot of doing with the nose. Hate that I have to use that eyesore of a pillar… especially interested in any ways to make a steering wheel.
I wanted to say if you are on PC, you could use the lemurian architect mod which has huuuuuge red curtains as sails!
But I saw the controller icons, so I guess console?
Nice little ship by the way! Looks like a caravel (hull) and a brig (2 masts) mixture. I like ships! So I like this one too.
Thank you! I was trying to build something to fill in docks im building along the Noob river in single player, it had to be one large enough to carry thralls for immersion purposes since its a stop going to a prison. I was originally going for a longship style build but the roofs are way too steep to allow a flat bottomed boat like that with the pieces we have available without mods. Honestly it just looked a little wierd with 1 mast so i added a shorter one. Took me a bit to realize the roofs didnt require floors too.
Every build effort deserves congratulations. We are not all borned with the same gifts . I have met builders in this game that break the boundaries of this game and even devs were rubbing their eyes, the ones that created the game didn’t knew that this could be done.
This is not one build like it.
Yet it is a build that deserves congratulations a big time because you spend your time In a creative time and land here a beautiful outcome.
Congratulations m8, really beautiful, thank you for uploading it
Your ship floats above the water, there is no draft, that would also make the pillar disappear underwater and looks more realistic. the lemurian shield is ideal as a steering wheel.
I like the looks of your ship. I built one in deep water east on map some few sections looked good some ok and a lot bad. Your sales look like sails mine where 3 triangles from a distance at one angle they looked sorta like sales finally tore it down. Have a really good builder recently joined the server might give him ship challenge
I like the sails up approach. Often when people do ships, they do the sails down which when parked always looks weird to me. Kudos.
Oh RATE…sorry I thought you said raid. yeah um…here are some mats. BYE!
As far as the ship goes. The ship itself is good. Needs decoration but good. The only thing I would change is that it’s too high in the water but with the CE framework, the only way you can do that is by having your ship take water itself.
The draft of this vessel can be explained by the “pillar” in the bow. It is clearly at port ballast. This is a form of Dry Dock where the ship can be adequately maintained or serviced and yet used as storage. The Dutch perfected this during the 1400s I believe, so it’s a bit modern for Conan. But still…
Could use some Black Hand Pirates working on it.
Yeah my problem is what holds the shield. Nothing that looks appropriate will hold a shield rack.
I was actually referring to the one at the front hat holds up the nose. I dont mind the underwater ones too much.
Ive seen a few ship builds in the past and find that raised sails look best, open ones look a bit wonky. Plus its at dock so i figured itd be best anyway lol.
Right? Thats what i thought too. Open ones look wonky anyway.
Yeah that was my reasoning too. I plan on decorating it, just wanted some tips on making the overall ship look better.
Really? So thats actually a thing then? Maybe its not so bad looking afterall…
The one at the nose is actually the only one holding the nose on because of how corner tiles and the stabikity system interact. There were actually like 4 pillars at the front while i was trying to fix the stability. It doesnt work any other way.
Thanks Zeb…
I already listened to this song 5 times today!
My real question is not about the shield placement but how is your Turanian house HOVERING IN MID AIR!