Recurring Events (Like Sacred Hunt) Opinions

So I’m just curious what everyone’s thoughts are on this.

It was mentioned that the Sacred Hunt will happen again at some point, but to my knowledge there’s no word on exactly when that will be (other than “in chapter 4”) or if it will continue happening. Then I remembered that SWTOR has events that occur for like a week and then rotate to something else. I’m wondering if maybe that’s going to be the general idea here and how folks would feel about it.

So for example, we’d have the Sacred hunt for a couple weeks, then we have say, Yog’s Barbecue for the next two weeks, then Derketto’s Party for two weeks after that, etc. etc. Then once we’ve run though them it rotates back to Sacred Hunt and begins the cycle anew. Or perhaps even a semi-randomized schedule, so the events get shuffled around a bit.

They’d be more frequent than something like “the Halloween event” or “the Chrismas event”, since they’d be reoccurring more than once a year. But they’d still be events since there are periods where they would not be active.

Obviously new events would likely be introduced into the cycle over time, so for now all we’d have is Sacred Hunt popping in once a month or whatever until something else gets added.

Anyway, what would your opinion be if this were indeed the game plan moving forward? Would you want more kinds of events? What about frequency? Other concerns?

events should last a month, in my opinion. There should eventually be six of them, not necessarily tied to a god. rotation through all six twice per year, give us 2 times a year to do them. Adding maybe just one new item every time an event comes back around, giving players that finished them something extra to grind for.

I’d like for servers to have control over the events rather then it be controlled remotely.


So how much control would you like? Would an option to disable events altogether be enough or would you prefer being able to schedule them yourself? Or maybe even just the ability to toggle them on and off individually?

Pretty much select which one I want going at the moment.

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Second this idea. Having the final say on what event when and for how long would be awesome. Especially for rp servers, it would give a bunch more reliable scenarios to base server themes on.

And there’s the truth of it.

I’ve been wanting to have active control of these events ever since they were announced. How cool would it be to toggle on Grave Matters, Kurak’s Headhunters, or this Wild Hunt using the Admin panel that activates it on restart? Just make it so if you flag one on, the others cannot be on. If there’s one thing I HATE about online games it’s FOTM events that I miss out on because I have a thing called a job and life.

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I’m going to add another to the wishlist.

Allow modders to tie into the event system and add in their own things.

The event system is this thing where at certain areas of the map, certain things can spawn, not just NPCs, but also objects. Like the whole pre-Kurak thing where you had to kill the crystal things.

Considering the high price to pay for each item, a rotational of two weeks for each god event could do.

Ok, so what if we called being able to select events in the server settings the “ideal” situation. What would be the “acceptable” situation?

Like lets say Funcom sets it up so they’re not actually switching events on and off themselves. Instead the game checks the server date to decide what event takes place so the entire process is automated. No remote action necessary.

There would likely be a small file somewhere in the game files that has a table listing days and months and what event is active at those times. I suppose then you could modify that file if you wanted to even if there was no official server setting to change the dates.

Although switching events might require a server restart anyway come to think of it. I’m just speculating though.

More to the original topic though, what about the overall notion of a rotation of events. Any other issues besides wanting control over which ones are active and when?

It’s a fine idea.

For someone else.
For this one, it’s just further confirmation that it’s time to put this bug infested mockery of a game they once enjoyed aside.

This company is opaque and obtuse.
One of those at a time might be forgiven, even enjoyed (of they are opaque, but expert in their implementations and adroit with their updates).

False urgency based on out of game time is not why this one once enjoyed this game.

Rotating events every two weeks.
What’s next, a gatcha for named thralls?

The current sacred hunt event is to grindy.Spend with a friend on official a couple of hours grinding fangs for the armor.The more people join to farm ,the slower it gets.Because you have to pay to get into the dungeon over and over.

Imagine beeing a 6 man clan and wanting all the recipe. First of all, they cant work all together because it would cost the 6 man team 18 fangs to fight the boss who drops ±40 fangs.

1000 fangs for 1 recipe X6 is 6000 fangs. 40 fangs per boss - 18 for entering the dungeon.

This mean a 6 man clan has to 6000: 22 is 272.

A 6 man clan who wants a recipe for every clan member has to kill the boss 272 times and the smaller bosses all combined 3X 272 is 816.

So kill 272 bosses and 816 smaller bosses. Its just insane.noone will farm this.

Thank You

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