New Event IDEAS

The current events are good and obviously a lot of time has gone into creating them. However after completing them once there is little to keep players repeating the events. The new events discussed in the Dev Stream do look like an improvement. But I am guessing these too will be completed for a short time and then interest may be lost, which seems a shame.

IDEA - Community Farming events. A challenge such as repair/build a wall/building could be one option. All players on a server would compete to deliver resources to a location on the map. Once the event is complete the construction would be added to the map and players would be rewarded based upon their contribution. This could help increase pre and end game activity on all servers.

Feel free to add your own ideas here and discuss the Pro’s & Con’s of any ideas submitted.

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How would that idea work in single player?

OK I looked in my messages and it seems that I have lost all my old posts, no problem.
When I started playing Siptah I witnessed the lack of Asuras chosens in this map! Ofcurce I managed to gain lol and vattende because they are Mitra priests, but nobody else so far, I still search! There may be persons that believe that unlocked Siptah, but I have great doubts about it! Very recently I farmed Szeths truncheon from Siptah :wink:.
So back to topic, I wanted the cages with the prisoners to have another usage too.

I wanted @SirBowen to be on the merchant island and give you tasks to help him find his brother’s and sisters! After providing him 10 keys he would give you back another key so you had to search all the Siptah camps to find the Asuras prisoner! This way you would have the opportunity to complete the most boring achievement of the game too :wink:. Ofcurce in the end after you brought back all his family he would grand you the survivalist armor recipe :grin: for rewarding your effort!
So you go around the map with a reason now, not just exploring!
You gain easier master crafters in Siptah!
You gain the survivalist recipe!

Why not every camp that has the Asuras prisoner, to have a hero guarding him as well and kill him to fix your damn bindings easier, why not?

I do believe that many would love to do these missions, rng yes, but rewarding nonetheless!

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I based the original concept on multiplayer. But as you rightly ask, how would this work in single player?

Well, the single player would get the same challenge as the multiplayer servers. They would maybe not have to contribute as much resources to the event but every event completed would make their single player experience more unique with different buildings. Admittedly I am unsure how you would stop someone from cheating by using the admin controls but it could be viewed more as their own personal challenge maybe.

@stelagel I also like your idea to add missions too maybe they could also be based around certain days and times. For example you collect information that a certain NPC will visit the map on a real life date maybe at night time. Then players could either work together to complete the mission or compete with other players to win the mission for themselves.

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But why are we building this wall or building?

I will add to this, not that i fully support OPs proposal but it has potential.

What I am about to say would qualify on official servers. Its just an gunshot idea, no need to get serious about it.

Let’s say its because if the “threat” is not stopped. Every player and clan on the server has their purge meter hit the purge eligibility pool.

Yeah, I know about the IOS purge revoke option. If this event only last 3 months, you’ll have to be

  1. on your toes either stopping the event/ beating it
  2. Revoking it on IOS, so either you participate in the event or use up your chests full of essence you’ve been hoarding for the “you never know when youll need it” moment. This is the time. Time to clear your hoard of essence you never use.
  3. Having to defend your base from purge because the server failed to stop the threat ( note that your meter is eligible for purge, other players and clans will also be in the purge pool, so there is no telling who will be hit and when during purge hours.)

Adding that this will help clear out inactive builds on pve. Builds that players only log on to reset timers and log right back off for months at a time and do not return to pkay for new updates. Well, now your purge meter is full… so…

Purge free build zones would be exempt, unfair advantage.

Would also wreck newer players just getting established.

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