Reduce clan size to 4 and hide player name plates during pvp

10vs1 is not fun and in no way fairplay. There is a discord group of 12-16 people jumping from server to server wiping servers withing a week. I wouldn’t call this pvp. It’s a joke and a waste of time.
I suggest reducing the clan max size to 4 and hiding player name plates/tags during pvp so no “alliances” between the same discord group members happen.
I want to enjoy pvp but as a solo player it’s just a bad experience, unbalanced and ridiculous.
From my bad pvp experience, a clan of 10 and another one of 4 joined the server. They start making threats on global chat, boasting how good they are. Within a day, they have hundreds of bombs and with each passing week 1-2 low tier clans leave server. In a week server has 2 players online.
There was no “good fight” or “gg”. Just a bad experience.
Most rpgs have party size between 4-6, because some games have roles defined like tank and healer, but it’s usually 4. Why can’t Conan Exiles fall into that model and promote balanced gameplay for once?
Moba games have 5v5.
Fps like CoD and pubg have quad teams at most in open world pvp environments.
Most competitive games take group size seriously to offer a fair and balanced pvp experience.
I hope something is done for the sake of balance.

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If you’re telling me that pvp is only for those that have 8-9 friends, that’s just bad game design and it should change so more people can enjoy pvp.
Nowhere does it say that pvp servers are only for 10v10.

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I wrote an essay regarding the perceived unfairness of PvP some time ago. My main point was that PvP in Conan Exiles is not, and is not intended to be, “fair”. Those with more time, or more friends, or more skill, will come on top.

This isn’t a role-playing game with an artificial party cap of 4 or 6 (which is silly anyway - if there are seven playable characters in a game, why do I need to leave one home while I go dungeon-crawling?), this is a survival game with an artificial clan size cap of 10. And of course it’s possible for clans to “ally” against other clans.

That’s how this sandbox is meant to be played. The strong bully the weak. If you’re outnumbered, you need to outwit your opponents if you wish to prevail. There’s no point asking that you should be given a fair chance in a pitched battle against ten people.

I understand that’s not a design philosophy that appeals to everyone. If that’s not the kind of PvP you want to play, then maybe this game’s PvP isn’t designed for you. My personal choice is to play Single-Player.

(Curiously, it’s never the people on the winning team who complain that PvP is unfair.)


It’s funny because not long ago 10-player clans complained that pvp servers are empty and they have noone to compete against. I wonder why?

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I don’t understand your point of view. Would a lower cap on clan size prevent you from doing the same thing?

If it was changed to 4 I don’t see what it would change though. They just group up and raid as 2 teams instead as 1.

The issue is the players not the system. Soloing on any game as has you at a disadvantage.

1 vs x is coming back, stay tuned.

Easiest solution is to rent your own server and do it yourself. Don’t ask others to do something you’re unwilling to do yourself. That’s your golden rule for the day.

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However PvP players are the reason mounted combat is being nerfed so the PvP isn’t meant to be fair argument doesn’t hold water. So you made yourself & @Kapoteeni look bad when you say bull like that.

Most players do that by…using every exploit under the sun, including undermeshing. That’s the ecosystem that players created with your logic and that’s why this game pvp will always be in a poor state :rofl: .
I’ll stop playing pvp servers until this is adressed. 10v1 is unrealistic and unbalanced.

A better idea would be if Funcom repurposed some of the pvp servers which have 0 players anyway, and make them no-clan servers where players can 1v1. No player name tags, no name plates. That would make pvp become an attraction and get more players involved. There’s so many solo players that want to pvp, you have no idea.

As for private servers, “It’s my server and if you beat me you get banned” mentality at large.


Honestly that’s meta now a days… numbers with thralls and horses, I remember the days where 2 people can body a clan of 10 depending on the skill

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Mounted combat is being nerfed because “PVP isn’t meant to be fair” is not quite the same as “it’s okay to have horribly unbalanced game mechanics” :slight_smile:

I like @Kapoteeni’s essay, it’s very well written and thought out, but it doesn’t address every single aspect of PVP balancing. That, by the way, is no criticism towards him. He set out to discuss a specific subset of complaints on the forums and did a great job. I believe his essay was never meant to be taken to extremes and used to argue that there’s no need to balance PVP because it’s not meant to be fair.

While I agree that PVP in Conan Exiles is not meant to fair, it’s still supposed to be fun. To achieve that, there has to be a certain balance. Funcom has arguably been struggling with that balance since the very beginning.

The perennial problem with PVP is not that it has a meta, it’s that it has the meta. No PVP game is fun when there’s only one good way to do things and everyone has to follow that way. In game theory terms, the very minimum of balance a PVP game should have is to avoid having a strictly dominant strategy.

Mounted combat is a strictly dominant strategy in Conan Exiles PVP. That’s why it’s being nerfed.

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agreed but how ever which i play pvp on lots of games and others say that to but people will still complain because first the x will beat them because its not their play style and they have a way to counters but they did not bring it with them and still want it gone because it hurts thier play style. which in pvp you should never have a play style because that’s what gets you killed you should adapt to the environment around you to succeed plain and simple

Welcome to PVP. Sounds like you should stay on PVE servers. Why limit an already limited PVP system? You can’t hide names. Raids would increase if names were hidden. I love raiding with small to large numbers.

Back in 2018/19 it was no problem for a solo player to take on a group of players. The dodge roll was OP. Funcom didn’t want that a solo player would destroy the “fun” of a full clan for example. Hence the decision to add momentum based movement, change the dodge roll and add healing animations.

If you want to “enjoy” an official PvP server, you NEED a bigger clan. 5 strong PvP players at least.

If you want to have a more competetive experience, then private servers are your only hope for that. Because those have rules that forbid the usage of OP mechanics. Rules against obelisk camping etc. etc.

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