Even tho the latest patches have been a massive sucess i have a few things that bother me.
Now as this have been discussed many times before why not applie a little bit of QL changes so that we dont have to live in that depressing state for so long?
My point is to lighten up on the rain up north a bit, make the rain come but not as often as now.
Really, it makes the living up there really depressing, and when you go inside a building to get warm and cosy, work at the blacksmith or watch a danceshow you just cant anymore, it gets to you after a week of straight rain:(
In the later state of the game it is useful to be near the best material and thralls, that means a lot of people settle up north in the green area near New Asgarth.
Believe me when i say that personally i have to log off during the rain now, sometimes it newer ends and i am just bored and depressed after a playsesison like that.
Suggestion regarding weather:
- 1 rain day in 7 cycles, not random where you can have many days of this untill it is fixed.
- fix the enviroment so it do not effect the inside of a building, it`s not just depressing, it ruins the whole point of getting shelter.
Armor and cold/warm effects:
The armor values do not register correctly, and believe it or not, but thats a wery important feature to the game experience.
If i order cold weather cloting from my armorer i want it to work as intended, if not whats the use of grinding for it?
As pr now it do not register, you do not see the difference between normal/flawless/epic gear exept the armor difference witch do not effect heat or cold damage at all.
The armor values allways show 1 heat or cold, in the stats page it shows 1, and sometimes 3 with the same armor equipped.
Now, how am i suppose to have the enjoyment of getting a nice fur coat and believe in the process if it gives me nothi8ng?
- Fix the stats on the item so it shows when marked.
- Fix the stats page to give correct value.
- GTive all the items the correct value when mouseover so we can at least see how much it gives intentionally.
Thats all