Removed custom sort WHY?

You removed custom sort with no sort… NO sort does fuking nothing… it leaves everything at the last sort setting that was used. Why the ■■■ would I want that???
I keep the top 3 lines of inventory with things I always carry. So I don’t forget / put something away I need. Now I cannot do this…
Well just use No sort… If I use no sort I can NEVER use any other sort option because it doesn’t remember any slot inventory location of ANYTHING…
Custom sort from day 1… Lets remove it… WTF is wrong with you guys???


I don’t understand why they have to mess with things that need absolutely no messing with and won’t focus on fixing the issues instead. I mean the overpriced Aesir build set has been faulty from it’s release long ago, some fixes were made but others brought on which should be fixed as soon as possible considering it is a bazaar item that we pay ridiculous amounts of money for. But no, they’ll mess up the inventory and sorting system for no reason. They do not listen to actual players, that’s for sure. Maybe they get their ideas from some youtuber who has played the game a couple of times and gives them feedback, who knows.

And the removal of being able to set the exact amount of stuff to move around was just idiotic.


I might be able to give a bit of insight because of an issue I had prior to the update with the other sorting options. This might be an extremely niche case, but it was definitely caused by the previous method of sorting being a bit wonky. So I’m going to use it as an example here

So before, custom sort was ‘no sort’. I don’t know why it was named custom, because it was just no sort whatsoever. There was nothing custom about it. I think it was called that because you had to manually place things where you wanted them. But it would have been better to call it Manual Sort or just Manual IMO.

Anyway. The other sort options didn’t change the location of items in the storage within the database. They only showed what you saw on your screen. Other players looking into the inventory couldn’t see what you saw. Only if everyone selected Custom could they see all the same thing.

If you were just looking at what was in a chest or vault with those sort options, or if you were taking something out. It worked fine. The moment you decided to place something in, is where things got weird.

You had to make sure that Custom was turned on over on your end before putting stuff in. If not, one of two things would happen. It would either fill in the top most empty slot (as it was in Custom). Or it would scramble the whole mess. The latter would definitely happen if you had a sort on and tried to move stuff around to organize.

The slots between different sorts were not linked and players could only see the same with custom.

The underlying fix that happened with Chapter 4 changed how synchronizing (this isn’t exactly the correct word for it, but you get the idea) works. The slots you see in storage are the slots in that storage for everyone. So if you sort, its sorted for everyone. If you move an item around, no matter what sorting method is chosen, that change is appearing for everyone.

I don’t believe this change was done for the niche use case I mentioned above. But I do think that people in general do micromanage the placement of items so this will ensure what they see is what they get. Though it can be quite annoying when you have clanmates who don’t adapt to the storage strategem of your dedicated sorter (every clan has one, you know who you are). And click on of the sort options and undo everything the sorter did. You all will have to come to a sort of agreement on that. Remember, a happy sorter is a happy clan. Don’t muck with the sorting in ways he or she tells you not to. Behave yourselves :stuck_out_tongue:

I think every thing will sort itself out once the hotfix goes in (sorry, not sorry for that one). :laughing:

But I wouldn’t mind seeing more options, Like… Heaviest? I guess that useful if I want to see what I want to dump on my pack follower first. Need more useful options, even Tears of the Kingdom’s limited sorting (most used, attack power, and type) I find myself using.

I just don’t see myself using the sorts here. I didn’t before because of the issues of them scrambling my orders in weird ways. But I dunno, I don’t see myself using the current options.

“So before, custom sort was ‘no sort’. I don’t know why it was named custom, because it was just no sort whatsoever. There was nothing custom about it. I think it was called that because you had to manually place things where you wanted them.”

I strongly disagree with that statement. It was “Custom” because once you put an item in a slot it stayed in that slot until you moved it. That’s Customizing the placement of your items. If you change the sort type to “HEAVIEST FIRST” and then changed it back to “CUSTOM” everything was visually placed back in the same spot you had put it before.

“But it would have been better to call it Manual Sort or just Manual IMO.”

That’s a reasonable point if you’re only discussing the verbal semantics of what to name it, but debating the name of that sort option misses the point, and the point is that items stayed where you put them. You chose the location, it stays in that location, whether you all that “Custom” or “Manual” is immaterial, what matters is the functionality.

The OP wasn’t complaining about a name change, he was complaining about the change in functionality, which has made inventory management substantially worse. Managing inventory in the default game has always been a pain in the neck, now it’s a pain in the ***.

No matter what it’s called, “Custom”, “Manual”, “Default”, “Bob’sMom” doesn’t matter, the functionality needs to be restored.

“If you were just looking at what was in a chest or vault with those sort options, or if you were taking something out. It worked fine. The moment you decided to place something in, is where things got weird”

So maybe there is an argument that could be made in favor of removing Manual/Custom sort from shared containers, but absolutely not from a player’s individual inventory. When a player puts items into a specific spot in their personal inventory they should absolutely be able to expect it will always be in that slot, no matter what other sort options they use temporarily, when they revert back to Custom/Manual/Default sort.


It’s already back…

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For Custom/No Sort there is nothing to restore, its functionality is the same. It simply does nothing. It never did anything except to remove visual changes.

The other sorts had their functionality changed. Instead of it being a visual only sort on your end, it actually sorts the real server side storage slots in the inventory. This is why when you click no sort, nothing happens. Its because you’re seeing the inventory as it actually is.

not accurate. The No Sort currently in place does not hold that order. Every time you do anything it re-sorts on some other basis. If I go back to no sort, I have to re-sort everything again. That was not the case when custom sort was in place. If someone (or a release/patch) changed the sort to heaviest I could simply chose custom and it reinstated the order that had been in place.

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You’re thinking of this from the wrong angle, the visual functionality is not the same, and that’s the only functionality that players care about. You’re trying to argue about apples while other people are complaining about oranges. It’s the visual functionality that matters.

Which is the very definition of “doing something” (on the players’ display). It did something visually and the visual changes are the only ones people care about. What the different views did inside the game engine is not the subject of this discussion, what the different views did on the screen from the players’ point of view is the only thing that actually matters for this discussion.

To argue that the Custom view “never did anything except to remove visual changes” is to completely miss the point of this thread.

You’re explaining functionality inside the game engine, what everyone else cares about is the functionality on their screen.

Your explanation may be 100% true but it’s a moot point. While we can respect the idea that Funcom was trying to solve a problem, their solution caused a different problem that has made the game less enjoyable and had made inventory management worse than it was before. In the end, that means the “solution” was either a bad solution or was poorly implemented, a better solution or a better visual implementation of that solution is needed. Players want the same visual functionality we had before the patch.


I’m not coming at it from a wrong angle. If I am sorting chests used by a clan using sorts and not manually placing every item into each individual slot, I can use the sorting methods they gave.

If I sort by heaviest, everyone in my clan will see it sorted that way. That didn’t work before. And this is why I am asking for more sort categories so we have more choices.

Now if they are adding the ability to set a custom sort and always return to that by selecting it, that would be great. You could set it up once and not worry. I don’t know how the heck they would add such a feature in a week (unless they’ve been working on it for a while), but I suspect ‘Custom’ is just going to be No Sort renamed back, or simply do nothing.

I want to know what this said. lol

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Sorry mate, but yes you are. You’re talking about chests used by multiple people, I’m talking about (and the OP was talking about) inside a players own inventory. Those are two different things.

While you may have valid points about shared storage, that’s not what this thread is about, which means you’re coming at it from the wrong angle.

Having said that, I’ll join you in addressing the topic of shared storage. Each individual should be able to view the shared storage using whatever view they want without affecting anyone else in the clan at all, nor affecting the underlying data. All views of a storage container should be exactly that, a view only. The order in which the game engine stores the objects in the data base should not affect the views that players can use, and conversely the views that players can use should not affect the order in which the game engine stores the objects.

You and I should both be able to look in the exact same chest at the exact same time and use different views. You should be able to see them sorted by Name and I should be able to see them sorted by Heaviest with neither of us affecting the other nor either of us affecting the underlying game engine storage arrangement at all. A “view” should be exactly that, only a viewing option, it should have no affect at all on how the game engine stores the objects. All of the views should be nothing more than a visual presentation of the underlying data.

This is what I meant when I said, “While we can respect the idea that Funcom was trying to solve a problem, their solution caused a different problem”. If their solution is to have the view change the sort order of the items inside the game’s data base, that’s a bad solution and they need a better one.

A view should be only a view, and should have no affect on how the game engine stores or “sees” the items.

That’s not “adding” anything, it’s exactly how it worked before the patch from the player’s point of view. Again, don’t care how it worked inside the game engine, the only thing that matters is what the players see, and this is how the Custom view worked.

Just like it worked before the patch.

They wouldn’t need to “add” anything. They would roll back the poorly implemented “solution” and code a better solution instead.

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Exactly, and this is precisely what they ought to do. The entire update is a disaster, it should be rolled back, and once they roll it back they should start over by coding it all properly and leaving the functions they removed and the UI they overhauled alone - don’t touch it. Put it back the way it was and STEP AWAY FROM THE KEYBOARD.

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Storage is storage. Changing one changes the other.

There’s nothing to roll back to. The current version we see is 2-3 versions behind what they are currently working on. They would need to redevelop the old system, not quite from scratch, but would take a period in the term of months before you see it. And then days to weeks to hotfix any issues that invariably crop up.

Developmental rollbacks are a fantasy. The only way to go is forward. For good or ill.


Also wrong.

… and also wrong.

One does not speak unless one knows, and you don’t know. Ever hear of the Steam Database?

The old versions are still out there, and YOU can download them AND play them if you know how to do it. I just think Funcom ought to admit they messed up and roll the live version back. I also think they should put “legacy” Conan Exiles (the version of the game just prior to the Age of Sorcery overhaul) in the beta tab so we can easily roll back to pre-sorcery if we want to instead of using the Steam console and Steam DB to obtain the old versions.

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The steam database is irrelevant.

I’ll say it again, the current version of the game is 2-3 versions behind (sometimes more) what the devs are working on. If they popped a rollback on steam, it would undue months of work since they have to redevelop from that version.

Assuming they have the developmental version on hand going that far back.

Wrong again. (and I think you meant irrelevant, not irreverent…) It’s 100% relevant to what I was saying.

Wrong again, bud. Do you have any idea how many versions and how much data a dev. team keeps on hand in case they mess something up? Short answer: many. Unless they’re incompetent, I suppose…

I can tell that you don’t have a programming background…

Well then go download and play that version then. Go have fun with it.

I plan to, actually. The game’s gotten so bad I don’t want to play it anymore in its current state.

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Yup, you’re still coming at it from the wrong angle and refuse to see the forest for the trees.

What people want is for their internal character storage to work the same way it worked before the patch we had just a few days ago. If that means shared storage has to work that way too then so be it, no one but you cares about that techicality. What people care about, and are complaining about, is how the change affected their character’s internal storage.

Of course there is, now you’re being obtuse. There was a patch rolled out just a few days ago, what they would “roll back to” is undoing the portions of that patch that related to this storage change.

Which means nothing, no one cares about what they’re working on for the future, what everyone but you is talking about is rolling back the change they just made.

No, absolutely not, you clearly don’t understand how software works. It’s entirely do-able to roll back some changes and not others. Every software company in the history of ever has done rollbacks of software patches, and in a complicated like Conan “a software patch” is actually made of multiple components, most of which can be rolled back independent of the others.

Rolling back does not require doing anything from scratch, that’s a silly argument.

Ok, you definitely don’t understand how software works, it’s time for you to listen to people who do.

Developmental rollbacks are absolutely a reality and companies do them all the time.

No, that’s wrong. You really need to listen to people who understand how software works.

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