Repair kits are not repairing consistantly - tested Master and Legendary reported same

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: (Online official
Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: Bug
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvE-Conflict
Region: North America

made master repair kit and used first one on starmetal sickle and it repaired it very little then tried another on a starmetal cleaver and it made sound like repair and did nothing tried another while cleaver was in workbench and it worked.

Also have been seeing a lot of complaints on server about the legendary repair kits also being hit and miss on repairs.

this is on a Official server
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:



Same situation

Yep, had this issue on an Official PvE server. Tried to repair a Blade of the Adventurer with a Legendary repair kit, and nothing happened. Yet, the kit was consumed. Repairing an Axe of Lion and a Jedias Greatsaber worked fine.

Repair kits only work if used in stacks. If single, then do not work

  1. apply a single repair kit to a gun or tool
  2. the repair kit disappears and the weapon remains not repaired
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Ah so That’s what happened this morning … I had one master repair and dragged onto a star metal tool … the tool did not repair… opened inventory and saw the single kit was not where I thought it should be … dragged a master repair kit that was in a stack of ten onto the tool and it did repair.
(I thought I had dropped the single repair on the ground instead on top of the hot bar tool)
(Official PvE server)

They work all the time if you have weapon or tool in hand and then use repair kit

checked, if not in stack, then do not work

Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and is looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback! :slight_smile:

Game mode: Online / Multiplayer
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: Official Server PvP
Region: EU

Additional, today I noticed that I can’t use master armor repair kits on damaged armor. Tested this multiple times with both items in inventory and in armorer workbench with master armor repair kit on a bearer backpack and on a flawless epic khitan medium helmet. The kit disappears but without any effect.

checked, if not in stack, then do not work

Armor Repair Kit only work if used in stacks. If single, then do not work

  1. apply a single Armor Repair Kit to a gun or tool
  2. the Armor Repair Kit disappears and the weapon remains not repaired
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Hey there,

Our team is aware of this issue and they’re looking into it.


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