Weapon repair kit bug

Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [North America]

Simple weapon repair kit and weapon repair kit don’t work for me right now. It says “cannot repair this item any further”.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Make simple or regular weapon repair kit
  2. Press ‘x’ on kit and then on the item in your inventory of the same material
  3. Message pops up on side of screen that says “you ain’t getting no repair tuh day!”
  4. Salt

Ever since launch I have not been able to repair damaged items with a weapon repair kit that is suited for the item. When I press ‘x’ on the repair kit, and then the item to repair, it just says “Can’t repair items any further” even if the durability of the item is noticeably low and the weapon needs repair. Also, i cannot return spikes to my inventory that I have placed because a message pops up saying “building is damaged” and I am forced to dismantle if I want to remove them. Not sure if I am missing something or if this is purely a bug.

If you repair them first with a repair hammer you can pick em up at least it worked for me and for the repair kits I noticed you’re weapon needs to be almost with out durability before they work so maby let it break a bit further first.

I hope this helps

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Ok thank you, these are actually helpful tips.

Numbers for example only.

Simple kit - up to 15%.
Kit - up to 30%
Advanced kit - up to 45%
Master kit - up to 60%

Notice the up to part. If you are above the level the kit type can repair up to, you cannot use it on that item. If you were at 14% let’s say and used the simple it, it would repair 1% worth to 15%. If you were at 1% it would repair 14% worth to 15%. Always run the item down near, but not to, breaking to get the most bang for your buck. Kits cannot repair broken items.

Also keep in mind that simple kits cannot repair steel weapons. You need to use the kit with the same or better metal as the item being repaired. Should be a different message in that case.

Note all my tests so far has been around weapon kits but I imagine armor kits are the same deal.

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Alright thanks, I’ll try letting my stuff wear down a little more and try again.