I was curious if anyone would love to have a sorcery ability to transform into beasts? I would love to be able to transform into a giant snake, maybe the size of a regular giant snake, or the boss in Unnamed City. Perhaps, some kind of werebeast? This also should be toggle based, and not timer, because I feel like timer would be too short. Thoughts?
I would like something like this. Turning into a giant serpent like Thulsa Doom in the movie would be a lot of fun.
This is definitely inspiration I got for transforming into a snake.
My current character is a Stygian sorceress who is utterly devoted to Set and has embraced emptiness. Everything in my base is as Stygian themed as possible or sorcery themed. I do agree a toggle is required. So the spell might fall under Thaumaturgy. Probably level 2. Now that you’re in animal form your item bar is replaced the attacks of the new form. Bite/Claws/Tail swipe Ect. I would say the number 8 slot should simply say revert and you become human again.
May Set be with you
Nemedian sorcerer, who serves the entity known as Zar (likely alt spelling to Lovecraftian Zhar), but might one day convert to Set if we get snake transformation.
Yes. I want to the the sand storm beast in the games intro.
Furry chainsaw would give me an excuse to build Jorrvaskr
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