Resource gathering spell

Ok, I recently needed some crystal. Normally it’s a time consuming process due to the fact it’s hard to know which crystal can be gathered and what can’t. However I can gather more crystal with one spell than it would take me to get with regular gathering in half an hour or more. With all other resource gathering the spell isn’t really worth it, or at least not really that impressive in terms of how much you get. But with crystal it is fantastic!

Edit: I just cast this spell in the middle of a large cluster of crystal in Skuttler’s Shortcut and I gathered 7 stacks of cyrstal. With just one spell.

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I suddenly have this image in my mind of a cartoon character having a huge sack full of junk tossed on top of him and crushing him underneath.

Supposedly there are underground unseen nodes you can get with this spell and see with the mats spell.

There are a ton of crystals you can see in that cave. I dunno if it has the most crystals but it certainly has one of the biggest clusters which makes it a prime spot for that particular spell.

Well my character was certainly encumbered. Get yourself buried by over 7k crystals and see if you can move! So yeah, that’s a legitimate image to have. heh

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