Response time on appealing a ban?

I was banned from official for something that I don’t even know what happened, I haven’t broken any rules that I’m aware of, and now I’m stuck in the middle of a war and unable to help my clan. How long does it usually take to get a response on the appeal? Or time span on any answers at all for why this happened?

So it sounds like your current clan is not banned?

This means more than likely if you were on still in a clan on another server with some different players, they may have done something that got that clan banned. And anyone in the clan for that server got banned, and is banned across all official servers.

As far as turn around time, have you direct messaged them? If so, then those will be the ones with the answers. Not too many forum members know time frames etc.

Thank you, it was a previous clan that I thought I had left before I left the server but they are also confused why the ban was put in place… people were threatening to report an undermesh claiming it as ours, even though it was not, so idk if that has anything to do with it :woman_shrugging: but there was no other reason for the ban, this game has just turned into who can report who more times it seems like

Not really. People will report. But Funcom will only do something if it seems to interfere with the idea of what officials are meant or…a shared resource for ALL their paying customers to play the game. Again, i do not know the specifics. But the report system and acting upon those reports has been welcomed by most of the community, esp. those that don’t look for every cheese or exploit to get ahead. And if they feel the reporters are trying to “trick” the system, then they will handle that. Ideally, take the advice I gave my daughter growing up, “Don’t do anything you don’t want to be responsible for.”

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