Resurrected Thrall does not always follow, must "Re"follow"

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: CobaltScarPrivate
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Resurrected Thrall does not always follow

Bug Reproduction:

Greater Island Lynx, get him killed by a one skull rocknose, resurrect him, unless you hit stop following and refollow, he does not follow. He gets up and fights, but as you run away, he just stands there, but, your window shows the thrall following you when you hit E, the window says ordering"Island lynx" to this location, but he doesn’t follow. When you stop following and refollow, it always works correctly. So I have been telling everyone to stop following and refollow as soon as you get a thrall up from it’s first or second death.

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The workaround that I use is to have another thrall follow, then back to the original.

If I do not do this, when I transport, they disappear into the mesh.

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