I said that too. I took a year break… I will probably be here for when you decide to come back if you do… And i will have my revenge Hahahaha XDDDDD <3
I can get the subtext, and I appreciate it. If it doesn’t expose secrets or your own personal/preferential details, please expound a bit more. Parenthetically I’d also like to hear your input on the tangential weapon you alluded to earlier.
Dave’s right though. If it’s not vs masonry, nobody in the US is good at fighting. That’s why I’m here beyond the ping barrier, reading about it.
I also look forward to this game, i gave it a shot and it feels like a good game.
No, you commented on the OPness of a weapon you lack understanding of. If you are unable to know a 4th dash is coming, you should die from it. it is the easiest thing to dodge. where as, i gave my opinion on how they are removing the only weapon that requires skill to play. You say it lacks skill to play, because of a 1shot wonder, which 95% of the time is a miss. and nearly ONLY happens if lag helps the dash success. which can be said about all weapons with lag help.
I have also not played in months, as there is a lack of reason to play. anyone that is “good” are nothing but gitchers, cheaters, script users, exploiters, and so forth.
And leveling up is so boring, i just dont play the moment i think oh i need to level up on that server. well ill play something else.
Sorry i missed that point, As i wasnt sure how that was to be read.
Yes, im US, and US does lack skilled players, i havent had a real fight for years. Yea ive fought on the Dog shyt server, And sadly everyone there is garbage. i have yet to heal, while they all spam endless potions. the only player that didnt heal vs me was some guy called Ice, which he lost. Respect to him for being the only one that honored no healing.
As for your “DESPITE” comment, you speak as though Skill is equally required for those that are in that server. I beg to differ, Any US player that you say LACKs skill, is required to play twice as hard as EU players. which in turn, would mean All of those near death you had, you would die on our server. So Don think so highly of your EU players. As ive watched them, fought them. and i found them lacking even with their handicap.
And if i recall isnt Reaper, LeeKing or whatever, which as like most, is nothing more than a 8 out of 10.
If he is not King, im always down to duel talent. most of the time i teach them how to become better.
Im not upset about the change LMAO.
i dont care where Funcom goes with their game. this game is nothing but a test run for DUNEs.
I said already with the new katana ill become even more powerful. And even if it is crap, it effects me none.
My review is still a REVIEW, if i say your a 1star restaurant, i dont need to give the reason why im never coming back. infact i wouldnt even vote 1star, as i have no care to ever come back, business is consumerism. The only reason i gave funcom an opinion at all, is because maybe they would second guess themselves, as a Katana main that knows everything about it would give them the NO.
if they CARE about my opinion they will ask me. For all i know they dont even read the forums. and why should they. they only care for the MASS of the players. they dont care about the elites. We adapt, or leave. either way, we are a small number.
I would be more than happy to join a discord and give you more to drink that could drown you. just msg me and we can talk. Nothing i would say hinder my style or give a weakness to, as ive doing nothing more than teach people correct mechanics to conan and other games.
the 2Hand war axe, is a fantastic design. it has quick attacks that have forward motions that give you close combat in PvP, in PvE you can use a stick and win, so that never matters. In PvP there are very important key factors that must be met in order for it to be viable. Those are as follows.
Forward momentum
Quick animation
Stamina consumption
Combos with synergy
Animational delay
Damage vs Stamina consumption
Damage vs Health consumption
Status Effects
Finishing capability
Hit box, and Hit Count
Each weapon has a rating in these areas, some items used other items or auto cancel to increase in one or more of these areas, which made them more “META”
Going into each weapon would take to much time, i think telling you about those requirements should be enough for anyone to understand why a weapons is or isnt good in PvP.
No, I am not Leeking or whoever LMFAO Nooo Not at all homie. I have beaten that guy before. Sheesh cut me some slack I am not even really in this thread. Just was tagged. I like the new Katana maybe a range increase is all it needs i like the new way it is done and will probably play with it a bit more often now. I agree with Sir Dave here… The katana or any wep for that matter that is a 1-2 shot is not a skilled weapon but rather a cheesy way to play in PvP terms. However IF you use the other forms of attack i can see where it can be a good skill based weapon… but the dash attack 1-2 shooting people is not the way at all… Like you said the game laggs and people make mistakes… AKA you shouldnt just get your HOURS and DAYS of grind taken from a simple lag spike with a 1 shot weapon or combo… Just my opinion. And i am always down to Duel people who think less of me… since that is how i made it over 1k subs in my YT days of conan…and if you got tips. i am always down to expand my knowledge
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