Youre right, everyone is looking for the easy win button, spear user. i mean, every single weapon that takes one click to do 90% of your style of combat. where as the VERY few that use the spears 10% other utilities. But even they are 99% of script users and glitchers and lag masters.
but hey.
You want to remove a weapon from the game that has a 4th combat continuational strike. that needs 3 attacks to use before you can use a 4th dash attack. Nice. because either youre blind and cant see 3 strikes. or LAG wins, as it does in all fights. and you get hit by an attack you didnt count because of.
If that is your defense to the katana, Youre a “insert something that will get me banned again here”
Which just So you know, “inserted thing here” the new Katana DIDNT remove this. so continue to QQ more about something, THAT I DONT GIVE A FLYING FK about.
You come here telling me what im complaining about, as though YOU know anything at all about the weapon you are bishing about.
IM here tell the morons that took a weapon of SKILL, that is now no longer really but a standard weapon of choice that is no different then the magically spear of poke poke.
If their goal is to DUMB down weapons, then Congrats on doing so.
This Patch doesnt hurt me, Im good at this game. be it any weapon. But the Katana was challenging weapon of constructed game play, ihwhich you needed to set up every single combo and movement to create your style of death.
You wish to talk to a PvPer, i would delete 99% of the people in here without the 4th dash, it is fun and funny to kill said player with it? absolutely, but it took more skill to get a calculated strike than any other weapon to do so. but that is beyond the point of this THREAD.
Im sorry, you are mad at deaths that you are not able to calculate or see coming. it is normal for standard players. but for the few, 4th dash isnt easy to be hit by.
Ive played with the Katana since it started, it was never “buffed” it has always been. And once again, the 1shot, isnt what makes it powerful. which if you knew anything about the weapon, would know that. but youre here to complain about something you died to and are unable to counter.
As for “real” bugs and glitches and such, im all for removing, fixing. the 1% of the Elites they all are script bug cheating bastards that have an Epeen the size of “your mom jokes”.
Im not saying the new Combat Katana is or isnt strong, As i can see it right now, it is even more powerful then the old Katana. (which your now asking WTF if it is more powerful why are you complaining???) thats a good question.
Depending on the Forward step in the Katana attack, will determine if the Katana is worth a damn in PvP. Becuase lets face it, NO ONE with any common sense will stand still to be hit more than 1-3 times in a row. that is just beyond stupid right?
So here is the kick, the new animation has no forward motion in its attack. which means follow up is very difficult. Inwhich if you strike, and someone rolls away or moves away, the Lag that is in this games will allow the other player to not be hit easily by the second following hit, EVEN if you take a step forward then strike with combo 1 left. by that time that lag or player will have moved away and the Shadow of that player will be hit and not the player it self. which is BAD.
This is the REASON why spears are so powerful. the reach of the weapon hits the SHADOW as well as the PLAYER, which does connected damage. and not just Magical blood with no damage.
As a Katana main, it is nearly impossible to finish someone off with the blade. This doesnt mean you dont have peel or the chance they get stuck or poison to death. what what it means is that running targets are not possible to hit, as the reach of the weapon isnt very long. And ofc the better the PING the better the chance of hitting. Hence why Dogs of Desert is a garbage server for anyone that isnt EU. 30ping is fast, 120-300 is SLOW, meaning you have to double your play vs a EU player.
The reason i add that comment, is because in RAIDs it is endless lag wars, which means durring raids pings are normally high. which makes hitting things more difficult with short reach weapons.
Now your asking but ive seen other weapons used, if you REALLY want my comment on that ill answer it, but for this Thread it is pointless.
So now ill continue with my Point.
Keep in mind i havent 100% tested it, as PvP is needed.
NEW Katana; Seems to have a short reach, which is BAD, It also has Short step, which is BAD, the quick lightning strikes, are fast, which is GOOD, but this also means the likely hood is that they weakened the damage of the strike, in turn, means that when you hit a player you will be doing less damage as they ROLL away from the 2-3 hit, meaning that my 80-100 Damage, is now 60damage (untested). And hitting that second 60 isnt likely, vs HIGH level players. and im not interested in lowbie fighters, they kill themselves. so who cares.
So if my 1left is weaker and faster, it is ONLY going to be good if the animation is also fast ending. meaning that it will allow me to hit once and move to follow the player.
If this is the case, the Katana is stronger, Even if the forward step is taken away.
This is basically making a Mace, type style combat, WE ALREADY have that. i shouldnt have to run up hit and repeat, THAT IS GARBAGE.
The Old Katana, added an element, to the game style that ONLY those that mastered it, can use it correctly. and im not interested in explaining what would take me well over and hour of just TALKIN, and writing it down.
If they change the weapon, they change it, Ill become stronger. and lose interest in the weapons because im not interested in EASY weapons.
The New 2hand War Axe, will likely become my new play toy, as it is a Very good weapon design.