Rocknoses in Godsclaw Passage


A wild surge of star metal rocknoses :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ooh… I’m both thrilled and horrified about the concept :rofl:


I very much enjoy having the Rocknoses in Godsclaw, a place as resource rich as that should have some enemies there.
This is Conan, a peaceful farming session shouldn’t be an ideal lol. Unless your idea of peace is bashing in the skulls of your enemies between iron nodes :rofl:

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Yup, that’s right, there was something.
Maybe the rocknose king was bit to much, also wouldn’t place them at entrance but more when you approach the bridge.
Skeletons, or other spookies would be fine.

It’s probably already been mentioned in this thread but when frozen north expansion was first released godsclaw was filled with the giant rocknose bosses…

The current small ones are a welcome change.

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Definitevely we need a rocknose emoji for this forum ! :wolf:

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I understand that, but from my perspective, rocknose seem to adopt what ever resource is in the area ( since there are now Ironstone/Coal, Obsidian, and Brimstone rocknose), I don’t think the resource has to be indigenous for them to adopt it. Also, nothing about the Conan lore said that the Rocknose were indigenous either :smiley:

Star Metal rocknose purge would be fun too, or just a whole Cornucopia of Rocknose.

Lets not put more rocks on a leaky boat

Poor rocknoses would starve to death on most singleplayer. :rofl:




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