Rolling Thrust Perk Changes

Ok, I see you’ve been harassing noobs. :smile:
There’s shit you can do if you run out of stamina against an experienced player with a 5 secs penalty. You can get lucky, but that’s it. You might as well go afk. And we all run out of stamina on occasion. All of us. Spare me the fantasies.

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I agree, i dont really care i can deal with SoC 1 taps, however Rollung thrust was too strong, which is why spears got nerfed, it was a braindead meta. Now spears are only really good for chasing. If they had tweaked the perk spears probably wouldnt have been hit.
Reworked or nerfed i dont care, rolling thrust is just too strong.
Currently im on a katana charge attack slicing spree and its OPAF, maybe moreso than SoC one taps. I roll, slice through a mosh pit of enemies getting them all low with 1 attack and i can keep doing it thanks to RT.

I loved that spears got nerfed. With target lock on, and that’s what you have on officials, they are low skill weapons, @HEREX .

Now, more seriously.
I don’t mind dying. One shot, 3 shot, x shots. Doesn’t matter. That’s the nature of the beast on pvp. Eventually you will die. Period. Increasing ttk won’t change that.
That’s not my point.
My point and the beef with the 5 seconds penalty is how you die. Basically, you are dead 5 seconds before it actually happens and that hurts gameplay. That’s the reason. You can be a master wiggler. It doesn’t matter. You run out of stamina with such a penalty against a half assed fighter who knows what he is doing and you’re dead.

Now, this is a big problem when you face more than one opponent. When it is one on one, your opponent will be close to the end of his bar, so you can apply some measures to counter the delay. He will have to be careful not to run out of stam either, so there are some degrees of freedom that might make you overturn the situation, unless the guy is good. Then you are dead. But assuming he isn’t that good, as most pvpers aren’t, you still have a chance if you know how to move. But the problem is when a fresh fighter joins the fray. You have absolutely no chance then. The unwanted aspect of this is that force in numbers will be even more relevant than it already is.
My best mark was killing three players alone, while underequiped compared to them. They weren’t top players, obviously. :smile: Just because someone plays pvp it doesn’t mean they can fight. Most fight like crap. So, if you know your stuff, you can win even if you are outnumbered, but with a 5 secs penalty on stam drainage your chances get really low. Even against weak players.
That’s my beef.

RT could have been reworked. Instead, it was ruined. That’s also my beef. We got stuck with the marginal bonus while losing a lvl 20 perk.

you get lagg-switched into oneshot.

You have to when the developer is incapable of fixing situations that

But to make it perfectly clear for you:

I personally have nothing against oneshots that you can dodge like the 2h sword overhead. It’s predictable and easily avoidable in a lag free environment.

If a lag free environment can not be provided, then mechanics that can oneshot must not be tolerated in this game.

And here some little education for players with skill issues like you:

Just watch some PvP videos from the time when there was a 5 second exhaustion penalty.

Count how many times he went into exhaustion state.

Just pure skill, no silly oneshot mechanics. And people managed to play successfully.

Luckily, the game got turned into ez mode by Dennis, because this game is mostly played by people with skill issues. Just look at the latest dev stream…

All you need to say is: you get lag switched. What comes after is irrelevant.

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Dude, that doesn’t work as you think it does. Fix that, next weak you’ll have another hack as good or even better. It doesn’t matter how much you balance weapons against hacks. Hacks always win. That’s their purpose.

That was all you had to say.
But then you derail by saying weapons should be balanced based on current hacks and that’s when you crap the sheets. That doesn’t work.

Ive never been a spear main so calling them low skill is no skin off my back.
Im not even calling for SoC to be nerfed, i dont mind the 1 shot. My issue is theres little risk reward currently. Roll, run at enemy , chop, roll, repeat.
And yes, low skill players abuse it, you get enough of them doing it it becomes annoying. Not hard to coumter necessarily but easily abused.
I dont want ANY perk to be nerfed to the ground either; adjusted/ reworked is preferable.
Ive been 1vXing sincie haunch and herbal tea were the meta so i understand taking on multiple enemies is challenging and with the stam regen delay nerf thats incoming its gonna be rough.
Heavy armor has been the meta for a few months now since stam regen has been so quick but maybe FC need to buff stam regen for light/ med to compensate. They could leave RT the way it is for all i care im use to it and its OP or adjust it, im fine with either, ive been adapting to goofy changes for years at this point.


:joy: you call that pure skill?
Ok then.

We have one in this thread here. Because if there would be a 5 second exhaustion penalty, this would not work so well because it’s not spammable without consequences.

People don’t want consequences for their actions in this game it seems.

Also if spear is so ez and baby mode for noobs why nobody is using it?

All I see is great axe + hammers + katana and some punching daggers. And ofc bows.

The same goes for the enemy. Either they tank your hits and you are actually able to perform combos in this game or they run into exhaustion and are basically dead.

Good. Great punishment for bad gameplay.

Idk if you have seen the PvP at the moment but as soon as someone gets hit and put into hitstun, they spam the dodge key like crazy without brain. So you will NEVER be able to perform weapon combos. Never ever. Totally worthless.

With stamina and 5 second exhaustion, they need to consider if spamming the dodge roll is a good move at this point or not.

That’s all I want. Another layer of consideration in this game. Also to make combos useful again. Not only against NPCs…

I’ve got no dog in this fight - I liked the old stamina system (with the greyed out screen and delay recovering) - that was a fun element for PVE (I’ve no idea what difference it did or didn’t make in PVP, so I’m not willing to make any claims there). The newer stamina system was less interesting, so in that respect I’m with you. But let’s see this new 1 second delay in action before we call for 5 seconds. 1 second is quite a long time in combat - it may be enough to achieve what you’re aiming for without creating the same extent of limitation that Marcos is arguing against. Until we’ve actually seen what 1 second achieves we really don’t know much :man_shrugging:

I really wonder why nobody ever reported that this was happening in many attacks after the chapter 3. My basic build is rolling thrust, you cannot play the game in this chapter without it anyway. 1 of 3 attacks it doesn’t work.
So consider me already familiar with this “new mechanism”.
It’s sad that agility was the only way in this chapter, i hope things will change in the next one.

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2.5 secs. It’s more than enough. 5 secs is too much.
I agree with your argument.
But keep in mind we already have negative stamina. You can’t put 5s on top of that.
Spear is no longer meta and it’s much easier to run out of stamina now, especially if you use a greataxe. 2.5s seems balanced. Devs made it 1s. Better than nothing, but it still falls short.

Grit and strenght, perhaps, @stelagel . I am still undecided until I try it. I’ll greatly miss the speed and maneuverability of full agility if it turns out grit and strenght are a better choice. We will see… I love how full agility feels, you see? It’s an addiction. :smile:

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But the way it was in this chapter it was the only viable choice. In chapter 1 and 2, Abyssal armor and weapons even without agility were extremely efficient. When i did the sword of Crom challenge, 4 str, 4 vit and 4 grit was more than enough to go through even on official servers. You could predict the opponent and problem solved. In chapter 3 a system that was 6 years collapsed. All the mobs rotated, teleport hits from scorpions skeletons who started their attacks in combined frames so you couldn’t complete any combo, etc… Without agility, light armor and correct performance, the fights were difficult to impossible.
Chapter 3 did just one good thing to me, i return to single player to enjoy the game. On official servers, simple lags were extremely punishing and goofy thralls the cherry in the cake.
Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy it like hell.
But not be able to enjoy my war axe and the black dragon spear, created a serious gap in my gameplay. I remember in the madness challenge of @SpherisCore, i will do most of Siptah with black dragon agility build. I even killed naked the rockslide with this spear…
So you do understand how heartbreaking these nerfs were.
Anyway, new chapter new adventure. Let’s hope we’ll have a decent optimization for our pstato like @LostBrythunian says :rofl:.

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Because spears got nerfed? Everyone was rolling into spear heavy up until last patch from what i saw, moreso than anything else.
2h axes, hammers and katanas have been viable for a while but spears were everywhere due to their reach and fast heavy attack with rolling thrust.
I use all weapons, whatever im in the mood for but i get bored when metas revolve around something so one sided. Right now i see scrubs trying to get free kills with 2h sword chops. Thats fine i enjoy a satisfying 1 shot just like the next guy but you take that crom sword from them and you can see just how much skill they have.

On TF I implemented this change in our server mod about 9 months ago and it’s been good. I’m happy to see it coming to the base game. The perk remains very popular among our players for both PVE and PVP. It’s not ruined. It’s just balanced, like it should be.

You have to remember that Rolling Thrust gained a lot of extra power with the stamina changes in AoW. A free attack wasn’t that big a deal when attacks only cost 15 stamina. With attacks now costing 40+ stamina, that perk (which didn’t change at all) is suddenly a lot stronger than it used to be. This change just brings it back to the same level of power it had in AoS, where it’s strong but not mandatory.

Oh no, the horror. Some people might start using builds that don’t have any agility. The game is truly ruined.

Of course it is… Extra AP is exactly what I need for a defensive roll. How didn’t I think of that?! Smh…


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