The correct translation must be “Narbenkralle-Kammlinie” or “Kammlinie von Narbenkralle” (last one means exactly Ridgeline of Scartalon, but sounds much better and less artificial in German in my opinion).
I don’t know why the translation programs mistranslate the name. Probably because they are unable to recognize the neogolism of the name from the combination of the two words. But I don’t know, it’s just a guess of mine.
Is it normal to translate location names in German? I know some languages often translate or localize names of (some) cities and geographical features, and sometimes with no apparent logic.
As far as I’ve seen, most German maps have Klamath Mountains on them, but Kaskadenkette or Kaskadengebirge instead of the Cascades Range. So clearly it seems that not all names of geographical points of interest are being translated.
To answer your question, Kapoteeni, because I feel addressed in this case:
Yes, it seems normal to me. And of course, I am only speaking for myself, for my own point of view - although I can live with saying “New York” and don’t need “Neues York”.
No offense but i don’t think stuff like that has a high priority.
Working mechanics are much more important to most players, and not german translation errors… or whatever other languages might have translation errors…
Von irgendeiner Priorisierung dahingehend war meinerseits auch nie die Rede. Ich weiß gar nicht, ob seitens von Funcoms Entwickler-Team für Conan Exiles irgendeine Ambition besteht, bestehende Rechtschreib- und Grammtikfehler in nicht-englischen Sprachen korrigiert sehen zu wollen … Aber man kann’s ja vielleicht mal probieren? Es wäre schön zu erfahren, ob solche ernstgemeinten Korrektur- oder Verbesserungsvorschläge aus der Spielerschaft überhaupt gewünscht sind - aber fragen kostet bekanntlich nichts, ich weiß. :3
It would be good to know whether such serious suggestions for correction and possible improvement regarding non English languages are desired. Is there an official statement from Funcom about things like that somewhere? Does anyone know anything about it?
@Dana: Could you please help us in this case maybe?
If such corrective information of a serious nature is not desired by Funcom, then I and other players are welcome to refrain from such posts in the forum in the future.
Funcom’s patch notes often include mentions of spellchecking, so at least they’re not completely ignoring it. I’ve no idea whether that also includes localized versions. But since new content needs localization as well, I would guess that they have the localization teams available and able to fix spelling errors and translation errors too.
(My native language, Finnish, has had a tendency to localize the names of locations, geography, etc. for a long time, yet for some obscure reason Schwarzwald remains Schwarzwald.)
Thank you for the feedback regarding the German word. I’ve passed it over to the rest of the team (localization) so that they can look into this further.
We are always working on improving Conan Exiles so any feedback or suggestions you have please feel free to share those here on the forums.