Sepermeru is a strange place

So, I decided to live in Sepermeru to save on building costs. It is all fun and games, but since then I really got curious:
What is the deal with this guy:

He is “celebrating” at some door with two guys resembling “muscle backup” all day long.
That is a guy, sometimes a girl, but always the same.

Like the guy nailed to the wall with arrows. Sure there is some harsh realities on Conan universe, but really ?
In the middle of the forest, or at the deserted road, ok.
But at this point that city would be stinking fermented exposed guts from a mile away. Sure someone would have dealt with that.

We all eat and drink in the Exiled Lands…

But when is the last time your character has to urinate or defecate?
Also, we can all drink sewage water just fine, but cannot eat oysters or red meat raw, even fresh from a kill.

This whole place is very strange.


yeah the guy cheering at the door is pretty weird. When it comes to stuff like that i imagine its an inside joke at Funcom. Maybe they all went out drinking one night and Andy got smashed and walked to a random door down the street from the bar and started hooting and hollering at it, and the next day Dennis was like, hey guys watch this and he put that npc there, and Andy was like awwww man im never gonna live that down, whole office bursts into laughter*. At least thats how i picture it


Yours might not.
I always got puzzled why they made a latrine in the core game and it was never used.
But mods for that are plenty.

Is there a latrine in the core?
This one thought it only existed thru the Bazaar.
Much like Urinetown, the exile must pay for the privilege to pee.


There is something very much like a chamber pot among the stuff on the core game.
The fancy latrine in the BP, also.

In medieval tech types, human waste a valuable product.

If we were to be extreme “realistic”, one of those vats in the Tannery would be to put “stale urine”, for example.

“Bleaching” before you could actually produce bleach was also done with stale Urine, as the bacteria would eat away other things and die. As people would eat lots of meat, their urine would be very much charged on ammonia as the liver cannot make all that into urea, so it circles on the blood and goes out there. (It also makes a lot of damage in your body, but that is for another story).

And some towns could always use a Schwedentrunk occasionally if the people gets a little unruly.
(around 12:00 is the relevant part)


Kingsley is such a gem.

That said, this one is still irked that the latrine isn’t a way to produce dung


There are multiple mods that do that, and only one is of my development.


This game is an excellent chassis for modification.

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Pff, wait until you discover how some drunks were looking for a booze in a random Sepermeru cellar, but found the monster-infested ruins of an ancient malignant civilization instead.

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I guess you wont find anyone who play this game and would question the quirks of its World that doesnt know the wine cellar.
That in itself is not the strangest thing about it though.
What is strange is where you find the best truncheon in game …

But another not so strange thing is that the vendors there are often topless for no reason, which is “fine” in some ways, and not that “strange”.

What is strange is the vendors which are “turned to the wall” for some reason:

I think it’s some kind of a hazing ritual. That’s how I’ve interpreted it when passing through.

Maybe the door is freshly built and he’s just super excited about it. Or the place is secretly a Den of Earthly Delights and he’s just got some action


I’ve always assumed that guy wasn’t cheering, but yelling at someone inside. He’s probably the landlord, and he’s come to evict the tenant, and the muscle is there if he won’t go quietly.

I actually appreciated this video… it’s gotten the cogs turning in my head on some future ideas for building. :thinking:

Always a taskmaster but sometimes it is a “she” …

Some of those sheilas I would very much like to be my landlord and come inquire on my door, on that outfit … :rofl:

This guy’s channel is treasure trove for making ambiences and stories for RPGs.
And he takes things seriously and not seriously in the right level.

Yeah… I have no desire to embrace that LARPing type stuff or anything… it’s just that my clanmate @Marylambs likes medieval builds.

You can’t use that term. Funcom won’t allow it, right @everybodyvsME ?

If Sepermeru is a Stygian town there is actually not enough nudity by stygian lore maybe