For more than 1 week trying to connect to Server 1977 and it simply does not connect, after loading the entire bar nothing else happens, no error appears, no report, nothing, it simply does not enter the Server !!
The game is not free, you need to buy the game to be able to use it, but it seems that there is no one supporting it, especially in 1977.
Then I waste hours playing there making the base and for 7 days I can’t log in, then the DECAY on the base and I lose everything.
Could you lose at least 1 day of your SUPPORT to solve this problem that is already old?
The information you filled out should now be listed below.
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!
Several server are having the same problem not only in pc anymore, but now in ps5 and xbox too. The problem is spreading. The player base was abandoned, the decay timer back to 7 days and not a word was told from funcom side, players that noticed it that came to the forum to warn the others. Server 1977 have this problem from ages, hope now it got looked into because is afcting more servers. Im starting to regret to join and support CE. The game i was used to play if your horse get stuck somewhere in no time the admin were logging in to help you. problem in the server 5 min after ticket sent, server was restarted. Here the what the community says go to limbo. Those guys are already full of money and dont care anymore, sad to say that but this impression can leave my mind. Never played a game that i had to spent more time begging to can play on the forums or in helpdesk plattaform because the game not workproperlly.
now we cant even anytime, to worst things decay back to 7 days (with no warn), and if like the lastweek without being able to log in we wil lost all our stuff. I feel scammed by buying the battlepass and bazaar items, in return my base could by wiped by bug + inaction