Server crashing #2813 (official)

Game mode: [Online | PVP]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [TX/USA]

Character name: Caetikins
Server: #2813

I tried to load into the server most of the evening after the game crashed once I reached a second base of ours. Thankfully I made it inside, claimed a bed, and dropped most of my loot into boxes before I ended up getting kicked. Thrall and horse were placed as well. When I tried to log back into the server, however, within 30 seconds or so, I was booted completely out of the game, back to the very home screen of my xbox. Normally, this doesn’t happen, and I just get kicked to the home screen of Conan. I rebooted the game, only to have this cycle continue, kicking me out every 30 seconds or so, til I had enough. I rebooted both my modem and router, I rest my xbox, and waited to see what would happen. Conan showed that the ping was outrageously high (upwards of 200, when mine is always pretty low, from 9-20 on R6S to possibly 40 on the high end in Apex). This then proceeded to show ??? for ping, and my level fluctuated curiously, from 53 to 60, to more ???. As a 60, I was amused and curious what it meant, but I have found very answers yet.

I’d like to know soon, as I was running out to help a friend, and after clearing my internet up multiple times, checking the network connections, the NAT type, restarting and rebooting everything under the sun, and hoping for good luck since midnight (it is now 4am here), I would just love to get back to my clan. =(

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