Server Lag Never Gets Fixed

I and most likely a lot of other players are experiencing the exact same problems as you are with server pings being in the hundreds or 9999 after booting up the game, I know that I am not alone because I have asked on servers that I play on, those who answered said they experience the same.
My clan mate and I experimented with it and got different results, but generally he also often had the same problems.

I don’t see this as a problem on the user end or with distance to server simply because if it was then why was it rarely ever a problem before?
I am 99.99% convinced that the problem is either the game itself, Funcom launcher or Gportal :wink:

However as others have suggested, you can either wait it out because for some reason the ping usually get below 100 with some minutes after a few retries, or you can use direct connect since you are on pc :slight_smile:

Btw a big thank you to the @Smoketreader and @Kikigirl for providing an explanation and a working solution :slight_smile:

I am not really sure that making loads of zendessk tickets on a problem like this is the best solution since it is a known problem that affects many players, but it is what community managers recommend before closing a thread :face_with_monocle:

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