Server Transfer Failed after new update 2.8


im now transfered my character but not unsuccessfully. Check screen with failure message. Its my TRANSFER nr. 10 or more. I wasnt encumbered and nothing what i have dont make before. I have lost all my working thralls+T4 Zath priest?

I mean that with new update 2.8 is something wrong.

Where is my character now? My all recipes from booth maps? My feets? OMG

PS: All other players which have transfered from Exiles to Siptah are now after update without problems?
srry for my englisch


Same here, character stuck in limbo

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im srry

I had no issues from offi pvp EL to offi pve Siptah after the patch yesterday.

Greetings everyone,

We are currently looking into these issues that occurred with character transfers after the 2.8 update.

As soon as we know more we will update the ā€˜Character Transferā€™ threads here on the forum.

Thank you for your patience and understanding while we investigate.


We are still investigating the character transfer feature but in the meantime we need your help.

Please send us a message/DM here on the forums with the following information:

  • Server number
  • Character name
  • Clan name (if applicable)
  • Steam ID

Make sure to include @ Dana or @ Community when sending your message.

This way we can look into each case individually and try to figure out what happened with these failed transfers.

Thank you for helping us with the investigation.


@ Dana or @ Community

Server number: 6108 PVE-C Siptah
Character Name: Valyria (if I remembered correctly)
Clan Name: NA
Steam ID: THX2142#11649

Failed Server Transfer

On Tuesday or Wednesday, prior to attempting server transfer, I had trouble with connecting to see the list of servers. I had received an error message that I needed internet connection. I checked my systray, and I had internet connection and I was running a YouTube video in the background. So I closed the Conan Exiles game and restarted my Steam account. At this point I was able to see the server list and logged on to server 6108.

My character was not encumbered. Her inventory was mostly emptied as I was using her as a ā€œmuleā€ between servers. She was wearing Epic Relic Hunter shirt and leggings, the serpentine boots, light armor gauntlet. Inventory included bearerā€™s pack, honey, bandage, and water skin. Maybe some other minor items.

I successfully uploaded the character for transfer from server 6108 PVE-C Siptah. When attempting to transfer to 1940 PVE-C Exiled Lands, I received the error messages below.

Error processing transfer on server deserialization: Import Fail
Error processing transfer on client Import: Token Failed

I went back to 6108 to see if the character was still on that server. It was not. It gave me the create a new character screen with no import button.

I went to 1940 again and this time no import button was available. Then I tried another PVE-C server with the same results.

I restarted the game and Steam. I looked again on 6108 and 1940. Same results.

I checked again this morning to see if the server restart would show my imported character. It did not. I assume my character is being tormented by Yog. Unlessā€¦unless a brave hero from FUNCOM can pierce the netherworld of Yogā€™s abode and free my character from an eternity of torment.

I did a test with a different Steam account. Made a new character on 1503 PVE Exiled Lands, got her to level 5. Then I uploaded the character for transfer. Attempted to transfer to server 1504 PVE Exiled Lands and the transfer failed with the same error messages.

I experienced this same issue the night prior to the 2.8 update.

Same problem, transfer my character (Gorestorm) uploaded from official Oceana exile server #3952.

I then tried to transfer to Oceana sipta server 8121.
Upon trying to transfer I received an error message.
I restarted the game and now I donā€™t have the option to transfer.

Help plz Iā€™m scared :pleading_face:

Also should mention Iā€™m PS4 console player

I also lost my character during transfer from Siptah server #6442 headed to server #1727. got the same error message as u did but I was so flustered forgot to take the screenshot. Character name is Cassandra. Funcom id is copprhead317#63887. Sad thing is this is my main character with over 5000 hours played in this game. Hope we can get this resolved becuase im really upset right now.

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@ Dana or @ Community

Server number: 6108 PVE-C Siptah
Character Name: Valyria (if I remembered correctly)
Clan Name: NA
Steam ID: THX2142#11649
Platform: PC

Failed Server Transfer

On Tuesday or Wednesday, prior to attempting server transfer, I had trouble with connecting to see the list of servers. I had received an error message that I needed internet connection. I checked my systray, and I had internet connection and I was running a YouTube video in the background. So I closed the Conan Exiles game and restarted my Steam account. At this point I was able to see the server list and logged on to server 6108.

My character was not encumbered. Her inventory was mostly emptied as I was using her as a ā€œmuleā€ between servers. She was wearing Epic Relic Hunter shirt and leggings, the serpentine boots, light armor gauntlet. Inventory included bearerā€™s pack, honey, bandage, and water skin. Maybe some other minor items.

I successfully uploaded the character for transfer from server 6108 PVE-C Siptah. When attempting to transfer to 1940 PVE-C Exiled Lands, I received the error messages below.

Error processing transfer on server deserialization: Import Fail
Error processing transfer on client Import: Token Failed

I went back to 6108 to see if the character was still on that server. It was not. It gave me the create a new character screen with no import button.

I went to 1940 again and this time no import button was available. Then I tried another PVE-C server with the same results.

I restarted the game and Steam. I looked again on 6108 and 1940. Same results.

I checked again this morning to see if the server restart would show my imported character. It did not. I assume my character is being tormented by Yog. Unlessā€¦unless a brave hero from FUNCOM can pierce the netherworld of Yogā€™s abode and free my character from an eternity of torment.

I did a test with a different Steam account. Made a new character on 1503 PVE Exiled Lands, got her to level 5. Then I uploaded the character for transfer. Attempted to transfer to server 1504 PVE Exiled Lands and the transfer failed with the same error messages.

Game mode: [SELECT ONE] Online official | Online private | Single-player | Co-op Official server #6442
Type of issue: [SELECT ONE] Crash | Bug | Performance | Other Server Transfer
Server type: [SELECT ONE] PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE PVE
Region: [ Please enter your server region ] American
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: Yes | No ] No
Edition: [ Select one: Steam | Microsoft Store | Game Pass | Epic Games Store ] Steam

Bug Description: Character lost during Transfer

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
I also lost my character during transfer from Siptah server #6442 headed to server #1727. got the same error message as u did but I was so flustered forgot to take the screenshot. Character name is Cassandra. Funcom id is copprhead317#63887. Sad thing is this is my main character with over 5000 hours played in this game. Hope we can get this resolved becuase im really upset right now.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ā€˜Yesā€™ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Step 1 Server Transfer
  2. Step 2 Transfer
  3. Step 3 Upload Character
  4. Step 4 Choos server to transfer too
    Error message transfer failed.

I also lost my character during transfer from Siptah server #6442 headed to server #1727. got the same error message as u did but I was so flustered forgot to take the screenshot. Character name is Cassandra. Funcom id is copprhead317#63887. Sad thing is this is my main character with over 5000 hours played in this game. Hope we can get this resolved becuase im really upset right now.

  • Server number: 1401
  • Character name: 大叔
  • Clan name: (I forgot)
  • Funcom ID: raito.shibuya#72252

Went to transfer my character from a PVP Exiled Lands server to a PVP Isle of Siptah (both official) but was met with an import failure message when entering Siptah. The option to transfer my character has outright vanished now and I no longer have the data inside the local files.

@Dana or @Community

  • Time 28/01 at 12.10
  • Server number 1005 to 6454
  • Character name SortSol
  • Clan name (if applicable)We Are Borg
  • Steam ID SorteSol#41438

@Dana or @Community

  • Time 28/01 at 16.24
  • Server number 1005 to 6454
  • Character name Ellobtavirp
  • Clan name (if applicable)We Are Borg
  • Steam ID ellobtavirp#35898


I tried to transfer my character from official server [#1010]. The upload from 1010 was fine, but when tried to import on 6423, I got a deserialization error. On second try i got TokenFailed error. Now I dont see the option ā€œimportā€ anymore on any servers when trying to finish the transfer. My character name is ā€œtorzsyā€, lvl 60. I am running the latest patch, updated an hour ago on Steam. Please advise! Thanks!


Going from 1735 to 6158
Character name : Cranberry
Funcom ID Nutfungus(#48316)
Steam ID: 76561198043859930

@Dana @Caroll Transfer failed with error message. After playing around with it, 6158, the server I transferred to has given me the option to import but it is no longer named Cranberry lvl 60, it is a sling of numbers and letters(pls not corrupted) but I get the same error message. None of the other severs give me the option to import other than 6158 and that is hit and miss. I tried to upload a picture of the file name now ( not Cranberry) but was told I couldnā€™t due to being a new user.
The gear for myself and the thall I carried over was all end game vault equipment. Pls help. Thank you.

This bug has been in the game since server transfer first came out. It didnā€™t start with 2.8