So, it has been a couple of years since server transfers were disabled. At the time, it was supposed to be a temporary thing, yet years later, nothing has returned.
Why has it taken SO long for Funcom to fix the issue? I prefer to play on the exile map as it’s bigger and I feel there is more to it. But I like the name dogs and some other features of Siptah. Transferring over to play the server and coming back should be a thing. If Ark can manage it, surely Funcom can
This has never been stated by Funcom.
They have said that they know there is a demand, but they have never said they will come back and have also never said they won’t come back.
Personally, I would like to see the return of transfers. I suspect that they have not been working on them because of the tight release schedule with the new chapters, and now the change of focus to bug fixes could put them off even longer.
Hopefully this feature never comes back , there were so many ways to abuse it , the most simple one? have a thrall with full storage of nukes ready to be unleashed in a server by bodyvaulting in the queue system , completely untouchable. The only issue i find is that recipes should be tied account wide, for example if i complete the journey steps and unlock the final reward, that reward should be unlocked in all the characters in my account.
They disabled and re-enabled transfers multiple times before they were disabled the final time. Which time is that from?
Never mind, June 2022 was the time of the final disabling. I am not sure you could hold them to a Twitter post, but it would still be a statement from Funcom, so I will retract that they never said transfers will come back.
There’s been a few times on the forums where staff have responded to inquiries about it too, basically along the lines of “working on it”.
You do very well to insist, but i am pretty certain that on a Livestream with @AndyB and @den on sorcery updates , Dennis said they are working on it.
But yes, we never had a clear answer for it, although Dennis said something after January maybe, yet there’s more than 2 January passed since then .
My question however will remain…
Why should they come back? What’s stopping experienced players to have the same “toon” on different maps?
We play on both maps using the same things. Why someone needs eldarium tools on exile lands, what would really change?
For me it’s best to remove some rng from Siptah if you ask me, or give a plethora of recipes on purges. It’s irritating that cooking recipes are so freaking difficult on Siptah.
Above all? Performance!!!
Especially in my console (Playstation) we absolutely need the game not to break before we see ANY change.
No! Priorities first and then luxury i say.
a shared stash like in path of exile and recipes as ancestral knowlege would satisfy me
The overhauls of weapons damages between Siptah and E.L. hints they have been working on it.
Check on two other (4 by appearances) if any equalization took place between those.
Zamorian Theif <> Nightstalker armor.
Zingarian Freebooter <> Blackwater.
But as for the total scope of the overhaul to make transfers remotely practical without leaving it open for exploit begs the question if they can even do it.
For that matter, I don’t think that’s ever going to happen again.
For the sake of those who play fair, I hope it never comes back.
They’ll leave that option available for Single Player though.
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