Is the server transfer feature ever come back?

Hello Exiles,
So I heard about this epic feature but I never experience it.
I can’t find it anywhere so I suppose is disable.
Any news about coming back?
How it worked? Could I go to Siptah and back to exile as much as I want?



I suspect unlikely as there were issues and exploitations aplenty with using it. Too many lost their characters when there were issues during the transfer, etc.

Perhaps FC will eventually find a practical way to reliably allow characters moving from map to map, but I suspect the core game engine just did not ave that in mind. Perhaps in the dim, distant future.


ooohh i hope your wrong Grymm
im upkeeping my bases in siptah weekly, just for option to take my loot home to EL
they said we should keep us updated here… have been for more than 6 months now… if it wasnt comming back… its really bad community management not to be honest, but what does the moderators think, can we get a response from them maybe?

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Do a search to see all the many other replies to similar postings sice FC removed the Transfer system. To be fair, the transfer system (as it was) attracted so much abusive issues, errors in transit, total exploitations, and for many players and admins it is not missed in the slightest. Good luck in your investigations. Be sure to update this discussion.

You are not the only one waiting for the return of the transfer, the good news is that Funcom says it will return, the bad news is who knows when. Personally for me the only point of having Siptah is to be able to bring his kit to Exiled. I imagine that they are focused on the Battlepass, which is a way to monetize the game (with 200,000 hp windows :wink:) and they are leaving the transfer issue aside for when they have time, although I hope I am wrong.

Well everyday i look in forum, and everyday i hope for… a transfer will return statement, dont let us keep hanging funcom, even… make it a part of the battlepass… like 100 crom coins for a transfer or so, easy money for funcom, an open transfer for us, i live in both location and lost all knowledge from siptah in my EL Char, and also the last of my Eldarium, lets continue the fun and bring transfer back… please :pleading_face:

Regardless of whether they fixed the issue where the transfer was removed or not, I don’t think they’ll release it just like that, they’ll be saving it for when the hype for the game dies down, they’ll probably sell it as “the big update” for September.

It doesn’t need to come back until it works. So that means it will probably never return. Both me and clan mates lost characters transferring and I still have one stuck in the cloud that bugged out the day before they stopped transfers

Everyone has their way of seeing things, anyway when the possibility of transfer existed, each one could decide whether to transfer or not. I personally am not afraid of the possibility of losing the character in the transfer, how long will it take me to level another? 1-2 hours to level it from 1 to 60+2 more hours to learn all the recipes. Anyway I think they are saving the return of the transfer as “a big update”, time will tell

At the moment, if you want a smooth (not perfect, mind you - just a lot better than the one provided by Funcom) transfer system - look for server clusters that use the Amunets Server Transfer mod.

Allows you to switch between both maps without loosing your base on either, farm on whichever you feel the resource type is more convenient to farm, have Siptah items freely available on classic - and vice versa (recipes, emotes), and don’t have any encumbrance limit when jumping over. :wink:

maybe funcom should follow this thread, maybe get some tips from the free mod :)+

Yes, but without a clan being solo… probably not. I’m sure you don’t want to see your buildings suddenly go poof because your clan (just you) left the server.

Welcome back

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