Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [America]
So playing on PS4, nearing the end of the game yet I cannot complete several important journey steps. I have found and listened to 13 Lemurian Lorestones and have not got the step Discover all Lemurian Lorestones, giant king obelisks step is also not completing, and from a point of interest map and my own I cannot find any location I haven’t visited yet it still tells me to explore the exiled lands. Any assistance would be great.
If I could post images, I would post my map to confirm all locations
After I hit those two later, if I don’t get it I will take a look though I am based in the jungle so I am fairly confident I have that area mapped. I am honestly more concerned with the Lorestones and obesilks as they are in previous chapters
Stuck on same 3 journey steps, seems no one from Fraudcom has even acknowledged this issue.
Google suggest pc players have created a mod that enables completion of these steps.
Wont be a fix for this any time soon, not due to being on vacation, simply because Fraudcom will keep players from 100% completing this rubbish as a means of player retention.
I’d of quit this pathetic excuse for a game long ago if these steps were possible
Hi there, I think I have used all the maps available on the internet but I’m still having problems completing those exact three steps anyone here managed to complete them? Thanks