Short Stories - Exiled Jack (+more)

Just for Blood - Dogs (2/8)

The sea washed ashore entire ship’s cargo. The wind was blowing so hard it ripped off the crew’s clothes - I hadn’t seen as many bare buttocks since the theater brawl when we were about to kidnap a wealthy baron. Instead of that, we blew up the beehive and watched the actors run away. Nevertheless… Though I was prepared for it, the coat had a few new holes. I have to patch them up whenever I have the opportunity.

When the wild dogs chewed the bones of the drowned people, they pounced on us - the sailors, I mean, no wise animal would come near me and my crossbow. My coat pockets hide more than one secret - you know?!

There was a steep hill nearby, and when I climbed it, I realized that I was not pretending to be an old sailor - I am one. As I took a deep breath on the top, I noticed the smoke of a fire in the distance. It’s time to hurry up and steal a horse, or squeeze some information from the natives - I didn’t crash here for vacation, and time is not my ally.

I’ll pay with blood for all my mistakes.

@stelagel I can’t promise that screenshots will appear with all texts :zipper_mouth_face: maybe with just a few :thinking: Take a look at the newly added graphics for Lost Sisters (2/7) :point_left: :wink:

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