Just for Blood - Lust (3/8)
I slowly sneak up to the campsite. The natives looked through the loot collected from the wreckage on the beach. I took a few pieces of meat from the fire and untied the horse. However, my attention was caught by a sword with a wavy blade. Calmly I grasped the sword’s hilt and lifted it upwards, the setting sun reflected off its blade, which caught the attention of the looters. The horse ran away, the natives rushed at me, I split one with a strong blow of the sword - it was perfectly balanced.
I started swinging this decorated blade so much that the looters were afraid to come near. I cut off the fringe of the long-haired man - along with a piece of his skull. Then I cut off the hand of the man holding the stick, and cut off the stick from man holding a hammer - I couldn’t stop, it was such a great sword!
When at last only the woman remained, I slowly raised my sword over her head and calmly slipped it into the buckle on the back of my cloak. I spared her, but she wouldn’t let me go - after all, I slaughtered all her companions. She hit me on the face, kicked me, and spat on my shoe. We started struggling and I realized she wanted the sword back - that was all it was, but I didn’t want to get rid of it. The woman finally tore my coat off - I don’t know when our fight turned into hugs and kisses.
I feel young again - my blood is bubbling up like never before.
From now on, all graphics containing at least 6 and a half pixels of human or animal nudity
will be clearly blurred - because perfection requires ruthlessness.