Corrupted Archive - Cold searches / Bad luck (6/7)
The first days were tough, the cold here is as deadly as the lava heat, but not everything is as it might seem. No warm clothing can provide protection against the supernatural winter - ancient knowledge does, and there’s a lot of it here.
Running half-naked on the ice is not a shame, but a sign of true power. Everyone should look at me with respect and fear!
Unfortunately I overestimated my knowledge. Spells and potions don’t last forever. I felt weak and as hungry as ever - passed out, fell off a cliff.
I woke up in a settlement of ice giants, they treated me like a pet, played like a doll, but they cared for my needs like caring parents - I was badly injured after the fall, and only after a year did I regain enough strength to escape.
Just like from my parents, I also ran away from the giants. But this time I took more than I expected. In that one year, the whole world has changed for me. I decided to explore the deepest caves in the underworld next…