Can I get players to post a picture of the armor or armors they use. As well as original color and the colors you dye your armor.
I’m hoping to see male and female versions of each armor.
Can I get players to post a picture of the armor or armors they use. As well as original color and the colors you dye your armor.
I’m hoping to see male and female versions of each armor.
Including modded versions?
((Some mods alter the look of armors, for some a lot and for some just a bit.))
No moding armor. Base game armors.
The wikia lacks the armor pictures I need. I was hoping players would show me their favorite armors.
Just spawn the armour sets you wish to view in Admin mode of a single player game.
Even if you have a game currently running you will be able to view them upon your character and equip them on to a thrall of the opposite gender in order to see what they look like. And also be able to spawn all the dye options and dye the clothing as much as you wish.
and then when you have the information you wanted you can drop all of them and return to your normal single player game.
That’s no fun. Admin commands show some armors you can’t get legally in game. Show meyour armor.
More poses and full set please.
Let see…
I always though the hyborian slaver helmet and loin-cloth look weird so I change it to Vanir ears jewelry and and Heavy tasset.
and here the first picture I uploaded last time.
This is what I wanted to see. All of it. Plus what set it is.
Not sure which one so I write it all down, The armors set name:
Currently csnt post a pic but mine is the exceptional epic version of the medium khitan armor with black background, original decorations and white edges. (as clan owner) my officers have the same except with both decorations and edges colored in blue, members in red and our thralls have the default armor.
We also have an abbysal purple set for raiding. since the black and white dyes can only be crafted with a t4 alchemist.
Combinations of aromr sets are okay?
Silent Legion & Hardened steel armor all painted white. Goes well with Star metal great sword:
Sticking to the classics:
For thralling last fall when temps were skyrocketing, I was wearing a saucy combo of Black Hand, Mids and a turban. My crew in the background is Jade Rank.
Jade Rank are all 2- or 3-level Dogs of The Desert, wearing full Medium armor sets. The second rank are in red, and are Black Hand. They wear a combination of pirate and Mids.
Classic Combat gear from prior to Frozen North U/E. (Apologies for the darkness, only full shot if it.)
Variation on a theme, with a red brain bucket.
Ansel “exposure” gives me a little bit of motion, candle flicker and a tear on my face for the poor Bearer Thrall we lost, transporting my Nord Fighter here. Wearing Khitan Tattoo under Exceptional Heavy. I used midnight blue for the leather and the horns, light blue for the brain case. All metal elements are tinged light cimmerian blue.
She’s wearing Vanir Settler in light magenta, light ash accents and light cyan bust and leather piecings.
This is my favorite outfit for the moment.
I have Silent Legion Boots, Tasset and Gauntlets on with the Lemurian Royal Gown.
Dye colours are White and Midnight Blue.
Vanir heavy Armor with the metal dyed with Cimmerian Blue as this is the First armor style for my clan/towns faction with more images of how the town progresses with it
s defenders to be added soon. Also please tell me if you want to see what they look like without their helmets on as well or any other questions people may have and also more Thralls to be added soon as well.
More. Show me more armor.