We need some more use for Silver. It’s easy to get even without mining Silver nodes, but there is hardly any use for it without Gold. No use for crafting without DLC. I never mined Silver after the last patch, just dive in the Jungle and gather loot from NPCs, but I have several hundreds of extra Silver coins and some Silver bars. I suggest to place Merchants selling Gold for Silver (maybe 1 Gold Coin for 100 Silver Coins & 1 Goldstone for 350 Silver Coins to make Gold Bar if one needs it). So there will be some sense in mining Silver nodes: to get easy Silver and buy some Gold.
Personally the reason I use gold or silver is for making various wearable items and some furniture ( but that’s only available if you have the DLC’s), so having gold or silver coins seems pointless to me, I can farm everything the merchants sell, unless they add a merchant that sells items that I can place in my base for decoration then gold or silver coins might have some value.
Where do you farm a rocknose egg?
As far as I know you need to buy one from a merchant, for ten gold.
Man I was gonna say:
You need to farm gold coins to get rocknose eggs. To get more gold coins. To get more rocknose eggs.
they must have changed the merchants or added new ones, because the last time I checked out the merchants all they sold were crafting resources (hides and things like that), which I can get myself.
Rocknose and Camel egg vendors are in the Den. Floatsam has Many new vendors which sell some eggs for gold, a legendary weapon or shield for pearls, and some other stuff.
really? wow, that’s pretty awesome, now I have things to spend the hoard of gold and silver coins on. Thanks for updating me.
Silver is too easy to get and gold is very rare. Would be nice to have some gold nodes instead of hacking up obsidian for a chance at some. More things to spend silver and gold on around the map would be nice though.
Rocknose and Camel calves roaming on the map would be nice too like the ponies. I’d like to see what they might look like trotting around.
try farming the nordheimers in the north,
I do it for the steel bars they carry, but they also drop silver coin, gold coin and gold bars.
I use gold and silver to produce Alchemical base: there is always need for some more. So I’m hunting gold and get a lot of “extra” silver that I do not need. I’d prefer to spend it somehow besides buying resources that I already have.
There’s a vendor in Sepermeru that sells something somewhat useful, maybe it was feathers before we amassed a great deal of them we spent some coin to get a few, but I think there is also a glass flask vendor, or maybe I’m remembering wrong…
Ok. I ll agree to the extra silver. Ok. Alchemical base. Ok. Merchants and rare or silly things to buy. So much extra leather, tons of it, doesnt bother you? If i keep all the leather that fix to take tar 20 chests is not enough. Dude a chest of extra silver is bothering you? Anyway. I think what will cover all our stocking problems would be a better market system. Imagine in Sepermeru the market with traders too, not only merchants. Imagine your silver to be used to buy anything you don’t have and not just gold. And for the record, silver ores gives silver and stone, obsidian gives ‘obsidian’ ‘gold’ ‘raw ash’ and crystal. Why you farm more silver again? Run to the volcano man it easy as the silver mine and more. Merry Christmas
Feathers are easy to get even without Bearer Goods too. Just kill ostriches near the Summoning place and get enough.
I do NOT farm Silver, I just open chests, gather loot from NPCs and get it. Silver nodes near Sepermeru are completely useless now 'cause there is more than enough Silver coins in loot tables now, and Gold is way much harder to get, so we just don’t need all this Silver, that’s what I say.
I understand what you say, do you agree on the market idea. I hate the fact that conans market is so low.
I would like to see some more uses for Silver and Gold myself Ko6ka. At this point I tend to break my coins down for Gold and Silver dust for Alchemical Base more than I actually spend them. For me the most logical solution would be to expand upon the in-game trading system and create a fully fledged economy. However, it may be difficult to implement. It will be interesting to see how the coming Settlement System will approach this. Finally, I would also like to see Copper Coins and Jewellery make it into the game too.
Coming settlement system??? Please tell me more!
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