So just getting back into the game. I moved my old save files from my old computer, logged in, and it made me make a new character. I was allowed to select my old name.
I did, ran over to my old bases, and everything was fine, just I was a level 1.
Figured I’d make the most of it and just enjoy restarting the game, but with all my old buildings I’d spent a year on.
Logged in again the next day (today), and it wants me to make a new character again. Did the same, selected my name as before. Now I run over to my base and it says I can’t use it "belongs to (insert my characters name). I used admin ghost to look and all the changes I did yesterday are still there, except my character and the thralls following him.
Anyway to get my ownership back as well as my old character? And to stop this from continuing?
If you saved a copy of the original save file, you can roll back to that point.
Check if game.db is marked “read only” there was an error in windows 10 that was marking files as read only, if you moved a file from an old computer you might have inadvertently picked up this read only bug as well.
Make a back up of the saved folder.
if you don’t have a copy of the original save - look in Conansandbox/saved for a game_backup_## dated for the day you moved the old save, or the oldest one still there. rename it to game.db
Make sure it’s not marked “read only”
This is only a guess as to what’s going on, I hope it helps you.
good luck.
Thank you. Will be trying it later today. I’m in the middle of trying another fix. There were some PAK issues when I moved the savefiles directly into conan, I deleted the old ones and it ran as I’ve described. In case the PAK files were interfering, I did a fresh install, moved the entire game to my external harddrive, replaced the entire save section with the old one, then replaced the PAK files with the new ones again, and I’m transferring the whole thing back. Should give me a fresh install/PAKs with everything else replaced with the old files.
I also did try using the backups, I was able to log in, create a new character, who once again had access to my stuff. Then I logged out and back in, and had to make another new character again who didn’t have access. Been able to replicate this several times. Whenever I use the original, I have access as a new character. Logging out and in, all my things remain, but I again have to make a new character, this time without retaining ownership.
Will definitely check to make sure they didn’t become read only. It just seems weird to me that all my buildings are fine no matter how many times I login, it just deletes my character, and after the first new character, the repeat ones do not have access to my stuff. Really weird that the first new character gets access at all as it is not the original character. I don’t understand why the repeat new characters don’t retain access as well.
So still having the same problem. Here’s a new line of thinking though- characters created after the initial character do not reset- they don’t have ownership, but they are at least permanent. Is there a way to transfer ownership to them?
Problem solved.
Got the DB editor, made a character. Made another so it became permanent, then swapped the character IDs in the DB editor and my original character is back!
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