So I’ve played the game for awhile but it’s getting to the point where I can’t really enjoy the game cause it laggs every 10 seconds and frozen screen for a few mins from lag when I never had this issue till a few months ago and was hoping these updates would fix the problem but it has not so I believe it’s a big for offline mode in the game cause again I never had a problem with lag
Part of the problem when playing offline your ps4 is working as server which puts a load on your playstation especially depending on its age and amount of storage left
We knew people who are builders that are not having problems lately on official servers my wife and I are having major issues yet on our server doing ok. Issues since 3.0 fortunately they know about it and are surely working on a fix can not be done as fast on console As pc due authorization from Sony and Xbox my thoughts it’s going to get better. Day one player here Welcome to the Forum Exile. @Dragon3 happy to help with what I can many friendly helpful people on the Forum and some Grumpy ones also and alot have good reasons just don’t let it bring you down.
Welcome @Dragon3
right there with you,
I uninstalled Conan,
I cleared my cache, rebuilt my database, and reinstalled Conan (about 10 hr. download for me).
Played Conan in solo mode on a PS4 with 323.5 GB free space, plays a little better, but I can only get about an hour of game play before a crash, and that is avoiding Sorcery spells.
My biggest cause of crashing currently is checking in on Challenges or cashing in BattlePass Rewards. BattlePass Screen is horrible for freezing my game. I don’t even swipe, I just hit BP and hit square button to claim rewards.
Good luck bud. Conan is crazy buggy still.
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