Personally I find the current Skulltaker feat is quite limited in decorations. Here are some more ideas I can think of:
Mummified Corpse: Yep, it’s the same kind you’ve encountered after been freed of crucification by Conan. Makes people to wonder are you a crazy or sane exile if placed at your base.
Hanging Skull/Head/Shrunken Head: Heads with fiber attached towards the ceiling. Added bonus with them dangling constantly.
Skeleton in a Tight Cage: A small cage filled with a skeleton squatting. Cage area is as exactly as big as the squatting skeleton. Placeable on ground or ceiling.
Bone xylophone: A xylophone made with human bones.
Cauldron with skulls: A large cauldron overfilled with human skulls.
Impaled head: An impaled preserved human head. Placeable on ground.
Standing Skull Torch: (Self-explanatory)
Dangling Hands: Hands as attached onto a string. Placeable on walls.
Impaled Corpse: A corpse impaled with an assortment of weapons. Placeable on walls.
Bring all your ominous blood soaked gore! I want, I need and hopefully we will all receive…one day when the moon is in eclipse and the prophesies fulfilled.
As for more ideas…
Hanging chains with shackles
The White dragon’s Head
Bone ‘‘lamp’’ 3 skull base, spine and some hands holding a radium gem
Skull goblets
Torture table with some bloodied “tools”
Hanging string of multiple skulls
Rib-cage braziers
And some nice to have things not decorative in nature…
Undead Horse mount
Dragon bone armor (I know, I know SKYRIM but we have the weapons already )
Now this is a suggestion I can damn well get behind!! You know I have been one of this sites most vocal proponents for more brutality for some time now, going back to my first suggestions list. It has always surprised and frustrated me just how little support calls for more brutality and gore recieve in this game. After all, last I checked we were playing a Conan game here, not Hello Kitty Adventures. Its a game set in a period of utter bloodlust and savagery, not a walk in the rose garden.
I want thralls chained to boulders and in manacles, placeable torture devices such as the throne of agony & iron maiden we can place them in, crosses to place them on, taskmasters to whip slaves on the wheel of pain, human hide rugs, cups made out of our enemies skulls, placeable hearts, furniture made from blackened bones, rows of heads on spikes, a Dafari on a rotissery, black fountains which spray blood. I could go on and on with so many joyous possiblities. I love it. So ill leave you with some delightful pictures to tantalise.
One bump to see if we can drum up some additional support for your idea. You see this is what I was saying earlier Buress. To my frustration, and probably that of the other posters in this thread, it is surprisingly hard to drum up support for more brutality around here. I know that @AngelBRz has seemed partial to such ideals in the past. Any interest in this one?
Love these ideas, I’m all more for more savage deco in the game. Another one that is in game already, which I think should be added to the skull taker feat: