It says it only comes in the physical edition pre-order, I already have the game on Steam but I wanted the sword so I was like, OK, I’ll buy the physical, take the sword for myself and give the game to a friend, turns out there’s no physical edition for my country, Brazil, will that be really the only way ever to get it? Because that is pretty lame I can’t have one of my favorite items in the Conan lore due to some stupid localization issue.
yes, we live in a hole, but not make sense we can’t buy if have the game in our lenguage…
I know we’re still waiting on word from other retailers. Once they pick it up, it will be added as a country onto the list. However, right now I don’t know for certain if there a retail release planned for Brazil, unfortunately. We’ll have more details later.
Thanks for the heads up but do you know if the pre-order will be the only way to get it? Because I wouldn’t mind buying it like a DLC or something if that was a possibility later on.
I see Brazilian players on Testlive US with a frequency of just slightly higher than Canadian. Also have teamed up with Brazilian players, so y’all represent!
We can’t pre-order in Colorado yet, and I’m getting a little – twitchy.