So, "War Party" vs "Well Trained"

LOL, Migo’s are those giant grasshopper like creatures the accursed Cimmerians on Siptah pray to, all around the Citadel (centre of the Map on Siptah). They also show up at the end of a Maelstrom Storm on Siptah.

Funcom has found a way with their Exiled ‘Events’ to bring Siptah bosses to Exiled Lands, this occurs at various locations around the Exiled Map. I was aware of some of these locations, such as the Summoning Place, or the Pirate Bay hosting such events because of the Events Funcom launched last year, long before the more recent Sorcery updates.

But as I said I did not expect to see such in the Noob area. You can’t miss the giant blue tendrils in the sky. They (the scary sky tendrils) are visible from as far away as the Unnamed City.

The actual location is directly south of the Arena or Sink Hole, in Exiled Lands, along the Noob River in what was previously an often ignored Exiles Camp.


Got it, thank you!
I will keep an eye for those blue tendrils :grimacing:.


I personally love Migos
They’re easy to kill and have a high drop rate of schematic fragments
Was farming maelstrom and the migo events for schematics while statues were glitches on siptah

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For a bit of background information regarding the two perk choices, see this post I made a while ago comparing the two.

Now, as far as I’m concerned, “Well Trained” beats “War Party” in almost any situation as far as combat is concerned. “War Party” has its utilities, which is great, but they’re very situation. I don’t wanna go too deep into it, as it’s all likely been said elsewhere.

My suggestion to balance these two more favourably is a simple one; Instead of making absolutely all sources of bonus Follower Damage pointless with War Party, it should simply change to give a different bonus. Armour rating, health, a combat heal rating; pretty much anything.


War party with two fully levelled greater sabers will beat just about any 1v1 pvp combination. The enemy will just keep getting knocked down and they won’t live long enough for their thralls to make a difference.

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Double Sabres or even playfull pups are brilliant. Also great for farming.
Or with regulare thralls, use one with sunder weapon, one with bleed and poison yourself.

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So currently, Well Trained gets all the bonus damage from;
• the +20 attributes from Well Trained itself (obviously),
• your up-to-+50% Follower Damage armor,
• your +12% Follower Damage Tears of Gullah,
• your +12% Follower Damage Dogfish or Exotic Feast, and
• your 20 Authority points invested to get the final perk choice.

Meanwhile War Party gets the bonus damage from;
• an extra swing per second.

Rather than an extra thrall plus a different bonus, War Party should only prevent the bonus from 20 Authority points invested.
The external sources (armor, potion, food) should still apply.


Thag… its so hard to keep followers alive and to not get stunlocked yourself…
These wights/skeletons are stagger immune… really annoying.


Wine cellar is a dungeon that needs no mistakes anymore if you go solo. I never went with a zombie (and probably I never will) but i don’t feel safe to go with 20 points in Authority.
I don’t trust thralls Prologue. They give 6 hits in a time I will give at least 15, they stuck, they stagger, they don’t dodge and take all the damage, they have a random combo mechanism, everything they do and how they do it is obvious for support reasons, not for slaying anymore. I managed to finish thag without casualties, with a lvl 20 bearer. He had equipped dragon bone armor, obsidian shield and mace. All I wanted from him was to stay alive until I kill the skeletons. Then I tanked the fight and finished it as well.

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I feel well trained should be a third perk and war party the fourth, mind you I never use authority build now because thralls are useless in PVP and 3 zombies is perfect for PVE.

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Finally! They are simple tanks in pve too. We are the heroes @Raskhaul as we should be :grin:.
I am so happy about it my friend, but I have to remove old bad habits as well. I can’t say that I don’t miss old Spinas, the God Spinas, but now that I hit like him It feels better you know.
I use to take Berserkers and higher for thralls, because I hate baby sitting when I go in fights.
Now in wine cellar you have to stop and heal your thrall after every fight with a skeleton boss, but it’s ok, if this is the prize I am willing to pay it. I love the fighting possibilities our characters have, now I am happy :blush:.

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oh I don’t disagree believe me I prefer it.

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Personally, I run War Party but believe that Well Trained is probably the superior trait. Still, your analysis is off because for the respective costs you’re comparing War Party to Well Trained but you’re not doing the reverse and comparing Well Trained to War Party. The costs for Well Trained are more accurately 1.) double the training time when leveling your thrall population (a variable cost but especially noticeable when training up multiple guards for your base), 2.) limited versatility when inflicting multiple status effects or providing support, 3.) more vulnerable when facing multiple opponents (enemies can focus on one thrall as opposed to having to split their attention between two), and probably others that I can’t think of off the top of my head.

Freedom of movement and AoE attacks are also less of a problem if leveling two archer thralls or an archer and a melee thrall. However, because of the limitations when issuing commands, telling one thrall to run to safety effectively removes both of them from the fight. This cost varies depending on how expendable any particular thrall is, but with the lower total health pools for each individual thrall, it can be very easy to lose your support in a fight or to lose thrall entirely (another cost for War Party).

But in terms of combat, I would say that War Party is better for serving in a supporting role and added DPS. If you’re running around with a clan member, one person having War Party becomes even more useful, as having two tanks is redundant. In such cases, one person having Well Trained to act as a tank and the other having War Party to act as support is a good set-up. Well Trained loses in terms of flexibility (another cost for the feat).

Finally, there’s the fact that if you die before your thrall, the Well Trained bonuses to stats disappear entirely while a War Party will still have two thralls instead of one. This can still end poorly with both thralls dying (an added cost for War Party in general), but it also means that your former followers at least have some back up and therefore better potential survivability while you’re running back to where you died, which makes for another benefit for War Party.

In the end, Well Trained is still superior in many respects, especially for people running solo or who don’t often party up with their clan, but it’s not as one-sided as you’re implying.

I have been running war party just I can level 2 thralls at once. The other reason is that I run a 20 authority, 20 expertise build for gathering and exploring so I can save time not having to come home to unload that often, so my char itself is a prety bad fighter. Having two greatswords pulling aggro from me feels better that only one. also I am pretty new to the game and i am playing in a PVE server. Until now, everything that could kill a non-well trainned T4 thrall in combat, would kill the well trainned thrall as well (i am talking to you arena champs)

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rockslide will kill everything, together

War party is the best way to level thralls.
It’s alright but I prefer the well trained with zombies. I get rhts zombies and farm that for the recipes. I usually get them all before the zombies die

No Ai can be compared to the worst fighter of all times. If you are lvl 60, which you probably are, i will suggest you this!
Go to Den and make some careful rounds, the agro there is huge so i will suggest you the invisibility spell. Bearers spawn in 3 different spots. So if you see that all the bearers are not named go in with your thralls and slay everything, go out again invisibility spell and go back in, the respawn takes about 15 minutes but to slay all Den needs about 12, so the rounds there are never boring.
After some rounds, eventually a named bearer will spawn, it won’t take you more than an hour max. After you have your named bearer and a horse, forget the bearer and authority build. Build tank, fix for your self either a redeemed silent legion armor, either a dragon bone armor. If you have a named armorer even better.
Carry with you a shield too and try to learn the war axe and the mace. The Glimmer moon is obtainable in the merchant camp of new Asgard and its handy because it’s luminating your way too. My friend, holding a shield with these armor sets, this weapon and
3 perks str
3 perks agi
2 perks vit
3 perks grit
1 perk exper
Nothing can kill you in your way, either your followers except big time lags, crashing, etc…
Especially with the redeemed silent legion armor you can travel from the most frozen peak to the most boiling pit.
Explore freely and always try to control the agro.
Worry not about things you can easily find close to your base, don’t risk your journey safety for steel, iron, sticks and stones.
Always place bedrolls in really safe places and loose a couple of minutes to create a camp fire next to your bedroll. In this camp fire always place a wooden torch and a stone hatchet. If you happen to die close to an obelisk, do not think to use your bedroll, spawn in your house, get some aid with you and teleport to the obelisk.
Don’t get panicked, don’t make rational moves, take a minute to think where you are traveling to and what you need to take with you, it’s better to delay 5 minutes in your base and go well prepared to gain back your belongings. In order to find your “body loot” easier, go in your map and zoom the maximum you can, it will guide you to your dead body with great accuracy. Take your time :wink:.
Use food to regen your stamina faster, even gruel helps and try to control your stamina at all times. Stamina is the key for successful battles.
Carry with you at least 100 aloe leaves, they weight nothing but they can provide you 33 weak aloe extracts. So except your good healing potions, have 3 or four weak aloe extracts ready too. Use these more than the good potions and the good potions only in great need. There for fast healer on Vitaliy can become really handy now.
But beware, carry 100 leaves, do not fix them as potions in your inventory, you have to control your weight.
My friend, in 2 weeks with this playstyle you will be able to kill the arena champion too ALONE.
This boss exists to make us feel champions of this game and the only way to feel champion is to kill her alone.
In order to kill the champion, you attack a full combo, you step back moving steady in a clock rotation, she fights the air, hits 2 and then you charge a new full combo to her and repeat the routine. She will fall in front of you after a couple minutes and yes, you are a champion of the game :grin:.
Good luck :+1:t6:

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From personal experience, well-trained is superior.

The one advantage that war party has, is leveling up two thralls at the same time.

Well-trained also has a small issue in that when you put a thrall on follow while having well-trained, the thralls health bar increases but they don’t gain health. So they have to heal the difference in health bars before they are full. With normal thralls this is not a big problem but with zombies… its a different story.

Zombies have a ginormous amount of hitpoints, and - while I haven’t measured it exactly - I estimate it takes them over half an hour to heal the missing health from being put on follow. (when they have food). If someone has exact numbers I would appreciate it. But it is a really long time. Usually this is not much of a problem since they are so beefy, but still. I think health regen in general should be a % of health instead of a fixed number.

ps. I wonder does this mean that golems will not be able to benefit from well-trained health increase at all, since they cannot be healed?

Good question! I believe you are right but best to ask the beta testing thread that. But to go back to your point, the other attributes get bumped as well so golems would still benefit from these.