Wonder if they have a funny reason for that?
When a clique is hyper reactive it sometimes indicates past… experiences.
Console is just trash in general sorry but it is the truth.
Well, that’s a very sweeping generalisation.
Like most things, consoles do have their advantages, as well as their disadvantages, same as PCs , but I’m not looking to get into a Consoles vs PCs debate, because it’s just…silly, and not what this thread is about.
What I can say is graphically , Conan exiles looks very good on consoles, whereas Ark does not.
I own a PC and Ps4/Ps5 and can compare the 2.
PC plays it on Max, and Ps4/5? Object distance is down a few notches, shadows looks like its only on med or high. Textures look down 1 notch.
Consoles hold up pretty good, Now there a few issues that both versions have. (pop in) and texture load in. Console suffer abit more with texture load in bug.
I’d say ps5 runs it like solid fps, no hic ups. Ps4 has abit of hicup, but I also have an SSD for my ps4.
Which ones of reasons I really liked game when I got it on Ps4, it runs decent for what we got. (few of patches …were pretty bad)
Consider how little behind game is… I really wish they’d try Ps5 upgrade with setting turned up.
my Ps5 runs cyberpunk better then my PC, And if Conan exiles is maxed out… ps5(and xbox) could/should be running CE on next gen maxed like PC is.
It reminds of an old rpg game called Gothic. +It’s a survival game and has purges/surges. That’s it really.
I first started to play because I thought it’s similar to clash of clans, where you build a base and you have to defend it. A bit underwhelming from that perspective, but at least we have a promise of a purge rework in chapter 2.
Note: I did more than 200 purges and probably 300 surges. It’s my go to activity in this game. I also did a lot of maelstrom survival, in the good old days when it lasted 45 min. Now, the maelstrom makes me sad, since I can only get a handful of ghouls to spawn in 15min.
Building 100% sure there are some other things that i like about the game but, building is the only reason i put up with this S show.
And I forgot to say that I left Conan Exiles after 70 hours,
it was Pippi mod that made me come back to the game and now I have around 3000 hours spent between my main and my admin account.
Pippi is a game changer and admin can unleash his creativity without even installing the devkit and completing the part time course in UE4
Thanks Josh!
Exploration on Conan one of the best
You can literally spend days in one region
Locating new npc camps. Also the weapons and armor you can find
Just Awesome
Safe trash . And way less expensive!
You cannot expect a 500Euro machine to react like a 3.000Euro machine, it wouldn’t be logical.
But what’s a fact is that your 3.000Euro machine has less safety than a 500Euro machine.
So if quality comes first then pc it is.
If safety comes first, then console it is.
Not every gamer is a computer wizard to avoid troubles so consoles exist. However you speak to a computer wizard because @Crompox is.
Why do I keep playing? Because the Angry Mountain Goat requires more blood for the Blood God.
But seriously, I keep playing because of the variability of the game. If I get bored (more like when than if) I can restart and it will be entirely different as a play around with oddball things. Ever tried an anti-combat build (VGE)? I have. It’s actually more fun than a combat build and your super tankey.
For building, I try out different locations, different styles and scout hidden gem spots that are not on any content creator radar. Don’t be fooled with blanket statements like ‘there are no more hidden spots’. There are at least 5 spots for great bases that are not on anyone’s radar in the EL. The statement is true only in Siptah but that place was designed to not be a hidden spot map.
One person’s trash is another’s person’s gaming fun. So you play on computer and i on console
We both enjoy the game or at least i do. I started playing on computer and found i didn’t care for it
So yes i play on a console . You being a computer wiz i can well understand why you don’t support consoles. So just have fun out there.
The genre more than anything else. There are other adult oriented fantasy mmo’s out there but they just lack the look of this game. Warcraft may be bigger and run by it’s developers (until lately anyways) better but the graphics have become so dated as to make one feel like they are back to playing Legacy of Kain, Soulreaver on a PS2. This game LOOKS nice, and is as close to a non-dice dungeons & dragons experience as anything I have ever played.
I find It extremely satisfying: you feel quiet, play farmer; you feel enraged, play warrior. The environment is carefully developed, and views, NPC and resources well shown. I would love to see a more roleplay oriented surround, interactive NPC with a life that deserves to be known other than Razma. The ages system confirms you are working on improvement.
I would like to see a Conan rolegame in the whole Conan mapworld, with this quality and mechanics, plus deep interactions. Guess you too.
I like the no sci-fi fantasy canon. It’s like grit.
I keep playing because I can. My rig is already outdated. Precariousness otherwise.
- Sandbox
- Building
- World of Conan, the gritty aesthetic, brutal world
- exploration
- The excitement that having to deal with potentially hostile players brings
CE is a totally unique game. I have never encountered anything similar. The fact that you can build almost anything anywhere and it all being destructible is incredible.
The only major thing that the base game is missing (not counting building sets) is properly muscular bodies for women. Thats the only thing I would actually want a mod for. (I play on official pvp)
Sorcery was a huge boost to my interest.
Less and less (play) with every content drought “update” added to the game.
It’s something I’ve been asking myself for a while. If I were honest the answer is because I’m here already and there’s literally nothing else out there that interests me at all.
That said I’ve followed 7 Days for so long I would like to see it finished and how it turns out. But I’ve also played it so much already I don’t see it holding my attention for very long.
To be fair I’ve worn CE completely out including all the major mods. Been there, done that, got the loincloth.
Not wanting to lose some nice bases has kept me around for a bit but that draw gets weaker every day. May just finally be time for a new hobby.
There are great things in this game, but I would argue I feel they come with a disclaimer of “almost there just not quite finished”.
Somewhat grounded fantasy, good looking characters, realistically looking architecture and bioms, grounded fantasy weapons and armors.
Nice combat, not CS:GO/CoD speeds like in many other fighting games, the fact that you can build your own village/castle/kingdom.
The 80’s vision of barbaric world, dark fantasy atmosphere, skimpy and explosive armors both male and female, where males are masculine and females feminine (though it was changed after all in the AoW update).
The game didn’t really quit it’s alpha/WIP stage, 70% of the game content was cut, there was supposed to be a real story in game and more places in the exiled lands.