So, What do you like about Conan Exiles? What keeps you playing?

Greetings Folks-

Others and I do a fair share of complaining when things aren’t going well with Conan Exiles, be it bugs, poor performance, etc.

Most of us complaining have logged hundreds if not thousands of hours with this game.

So, I was wondering, despite all of the issues we encounter with each update, what keeps you playing Conan Exiles?


It’s purrdy.
3rd person.
Good builder.
Not only a fantasy fan but a Conan fan as well.
Public servers; no matter how trash.
Regardless, over all, the game plays well.
Game rewards exploration.
I can be a clothes horse.
I like the thrall system; I’d prefer it not be so brutal, but Conan.
I liked the pets.
The ecosystem; for the most part, is more realistic then a certain dino game.
I do like the battle pass, but more because it gives me goals.
I like the new journey steps; but they really need releveling/scaling.
I like sorcery more then I hate it.


Honestly I think DeaconElie pretty much summed it up.

I would also add that there isn’t really anything else like it around, apart from Ark, and Ark on consoles looks like trash.

I personally like the build mechanics the most, the freedom and the creativity it provides , it’s probably what keeps me coming back. I can play PvP anytime (look for me on Battlefield if you want to shoot at me , my screen name is actually: Proxenero on xbox, Ps4, etc…)

Combat for the most part is fun, (however I’m not a fan of cheap one-shot game mechanics) I like to have a good scrap. If I can at least put up a fight, I don’t even mind losing so much… It can be a good laugh with clan mates.

  • Casual experience & ability to solo pretty much anything
  • 3rd person and realistic landscape
  • Good building and crafting system.
  • Thrall system (used to like them more before the economy update and all the nerfs)
  • Great mods (not sure if I can play vanilla anymore)
  • Ability to host private servers and customize one’s experience
  • No guns, fairly simple combat system (the skill tree could be better though)

CON: Missing potato planting :rofl:


Oh yeah , I’m all about customisation, can’t stress that enough, CE is really good at this aspect, the only thing better at it IMO would be minecraft probably.


To me, it’s an adventure unlike any other game I’ve ever played.


Boobs, muscles and swords + beautiful world to roam around :rofl: :wink:

It’s a brave and one of it’s kind game, it’s a dream come true for the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s kids :heart_eyes:

Can it be better? Yes it can, they made a lovely sandbox, now this sandbox is waiting to put a game in there. Funcom does not know what they have, it’s a golden goose.


Building. I love finding new locations or new builds in places I haven’t tried. I most recently built a cabin near the dragonmouth.


The ability to build/decorate and populate those buildings with NPCs that I capture in the Purge.

The Lost Connection issue made purges impossible, so I’ve been trying even harder to get the Purge once a week when possible and getting more and more unique thralls (new allies) into my little world above Mounds of the Dead :slight_smile:


Not Playing… Pretty much Havn’t since after update. (lost my base, and HATE Stam changes)n Been trying to “deal” with it… not working.

I like Conan, Good(was) Conan game is hard to come by.
Love Building, Love map, Love Exploring.

Combats Alright… Its Fun enough I enjoy’d it. (till update) I wish AI was abit better, some of larger enemies had better move set. (Spoiled by Dragons Dogma and Monster Hunter)

Its a fan game to hop on, start new character, and just roam about and build and do stuff.

I like that alot of my progress (main save) is in Buildings I’ve built around map and all exploring.

Not a fan of Season pass… I enjoy Conan more, when i could walk away for Months… play other games. And just cycle thru stuff, and anytime I wanted… could Hop on Conan and play for a few days or week. A game I could always come back to. (Like I do Dragon Quest III and 4, or FFT, No Man’s Sky.
Season stuff and Store really push FOMO.

I Have however… been playing on ps4, (it doesn’t have some of later updates) Was having a blast.
I don’t have alot of purchases from PC/PS5 on there… so kinda bummed.
I keep going to make Sandstone extra pieces and don’t have them XD


I cannot count titles in gaming.
A lot!
It’s simply the best game ever and i really wish more people could see that. Sometimes, without trying to be salty here, i even wish devs could see that.
Or to be fair to give to it the attention it deserves.

It’s the freedom, i really feel free playing this game.
Then the landscapes, if we had some blizzards too it would be fking amazing. I always stop to watch the sandstorm.
The whole game is build in a rough romance, so it’s impossible not to fall in love with it.
This community here will give you reason to play, it’s amazing.

But above all, it’s relaxing. In this game you can relax easily doing different things and feel no stress at all. This little fantastic world will help you to forget everything in your real life, empty your head from problems and sleep like a baby.

It helps me a lot!


Originally I wanted to write something as well, but you did it for me in every bit.

Just going to add: That undying nostalgy and love for this game, no matter what makes me comming back and play it over and over. :smiling_face_with_tear: Almost 6000 hours in game for now, and it’s gonna grow. :rofl:


This one enjoys the Sword and Sorcery genre.
The game, at core, is very good.
Third person open world adventure rpg.
Lots of customization.
A serviceable building system.
A combat system that (until we look at PvP) is never too odious.
Excellent music.

Also, every so often we get a glimpse of something more to come. That got the envenomed hook of hope in this one.
The thought that this good game was going to continue to develop, reach more and more of it’s potential…
What this one often rages about, is the harpoon that affixed this one.


In a nutshell: The freedom of PvE.

  • I’ve literally created a life within the game. A metaverse where I have a place to call home, favorite spots to visit, an outfit for every occasion (visually speaking), the foods I enjoy the most, and so on. This level of freedom is unparalleled in Conan. I can spend hours playing without necessarily pursuing any specific in-game objective, other than the routine I’ve personally crafted, and the game doesn’t punish me for it. Additionally, I can play solo without depending on other players.
  • The mechanics of Thralls/pets are spot on, and if it weren’t for this feature, I wouldn’t have grown so attached to the game. Having allied NPCs that breathe life and immersion into this universe is simply incredible. Each of my Thralls has a name and a story. Even if they were purely cosmetic, that would be perfect. Being able to take them as companions on journeys through the Exiled Lands and knowing that my base is safeguarded by valiant soldiers is sensational.
  • The game’s map is astounding (Exiled Lands). Every biome, the seamless transitions between them, the coherence of each biome’s fauna and flora, the tribes/cities/villages, the views, the weather, and the challenges (excluding Siptah entirely from this item). Just hopping on a horse and trotting around the map is an experience enough to keep me engaged.
  • Building System. The entire process of constructing is remarkably satisfying, from gathering resources, crafting materials, to piecing together the structure and decorating it. Not being confined to only defensive structures is what makes the whole experience worthwhile for me. Being able to completely avoid purges is fundamental (making them optional would be even better for me).
  • The game’s difficulty when I’m seeking challenges. If playing The Sims leaves me a bit bored, there are numerous things I can do to break the monotony and draw my sword, with varying levels of difficulty to match my mood. Whether it’s taking down a Mini Boss, exploring a dungeon, or braving the notorious Wine Cellar.

I could go on listing things I enjoy about the game for hours, but that’s the gist of it.


I’m 99% certain this is on the promo ads…

Conan Exiles: Build. Decorate. Populate.


There is nothing like this game in its scope. You feel like fighting a little, you can do it. You feel like building, you can do it, you feel like taking in the sights, you can do it, you feel like RP a little, you can do it. Cook, craft, pray, even sorcery, you name it, you can do it.You want to play with friends, you can do it. You want to have at it alone, guess what, you can do it.
You can play this game in a dozen different ways.
Replayability. That’s what has made me play the game for almost 4k hours. If someone told me I would play this much any game before Conan, I wouldn’t believe it. For all its flaws, its an amazing game. I wouldn’t complain otherwise. I would simply move on.


Customized difficulty is probably one of the main reasons i keep coming back.

I dont need to follow someone else’s build to be viable.

The game will punish you if you make a critical error, like not being aware of your surroundings and getting trapped.

Public servers are a big draw for me.


It alleviates boredom.
There is a lot of things to do and ways to play.
Also, comfort zone.

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Aside from being a fan of the survival genre, I love Conan, fantasy, pre-history, the thrall system, the environment with different biomes, and the mature rating and full nudity are realistic and make the game more fun. In spite of the bugs, for me, Conan is the best in the genre and probably always will be.


Everything @DeaconElie and @LostBrythunian said.

That and I’m extremely entertained by the alpha clan on my server. They’re nice folks but hoo-boy do they fly off the handle at perceived aggression.

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